Greenhouse Management Objective: Understand greenhouse structures, production and maintenance.
What’s the point of a Greenhouse?
What’s the point of a Greenhouse? The “Greenhouse Effect”- collects and stores heat from the sun (radiant heat) Provides a protective environment to grow plants Many detached houses can be used as connected houses
Greenhouse Structures
Detached Houses Quonset Lean to Even span Uneven span
Detached Houses Advantages Disadvantages Easy to program and maintain temperature Easy to ventilate without exposing the plants to blasts of cold air Requires more energy to heat and cool Higher initial cost
Detached Houses Draw an image and write a brief description of each type of detached house Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 1- Choosing The Right Structure Page 1-Detached Housing Options
Connected Houses Ridge and furrow Barrel vault Dutch-Venlo Saran-covered
Connected Houses Advantages Disadvantages Requires less land area Less construction materials Heat loss is less Snow build-up in connecting gutters Gutters shade parts of the greenhouse
Connected Houses Draw an image and write a brief description of each type of connected house Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 1- Choosing The Right Structure Page 2-Connected Housing Options
Greenhouse Equipment & Controls
Greenhouse Equipment & Controls Heaters- gas or electric Thermostats- controls the temperature, should be at plant level Timers-for lights, shade cloth, irrigation, etc. Evaporative cooling systems Most effective method for cooling a greenhouse Constructed of thick corrugated cardboard Reduces watering due to higher humidity created by evaporation from the dripping water in the cool pad
Greenhouse Equipment & Controls Exhaust fans- pulls hot air from the greenhouse Vents- located at the opposite end from the exhaust fan. Vents open to allow fresh air in the greenhouse. Circulation fans- circulates air in the greenhouse even when the exhaust fan is not running. Provides a uniform temperature throughout the greenhouse. Misting system- cools the greenhouse and provides a fine mist for seeds and cuttings.
Greenhouse Equipment & Controls Overhead irrigation system- waters greenhouse or shadehouses but may not give the deep watering some plants need. Drip irrigation- tubes with emitters go to individual pots for water. A very efficient way to water. Lights- provide additional lighting for plants
Greenhouse Equipment & Controls Draw an image of the environmental controls used in the KHS Greenhouse Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 2- Greenhouse Equipment & Controls Page 3-Environmental Controls in the KHS Greenhouse
Greenhouse Coverings
1. Greenhouse film (polyethylene film) 3-6 mil thick UV treated Inexpensive Long lasting Easy to replace
2. Acrylic panels Energy efficient Impact resistant Available in a variety of widths and lengths
3. Polycarbonate panels Twin wall panels Corrugated panels Available in a variety of widths and lengths Relatively expensive
4. Solexx panels Flexible Twin wall 3-6 mil thick Opaque Relatively expensive
Greenhouse Coverings Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 3-Choosing the Right Greenhouse Covering In this chapter include a graphic and description of each type of greenhouse covering
Greenhouse Plant Terminology
Greenhouse Plant Terminology Annual Sow Media Full sun Biennial Direct sowing Deadheading Part shade Perennial Pinch Shade Indirect sowing
Bedding Plant Soils/Media
Bedding Plant Soils/Media Vermiculite Perlite Peat moss Sand Bark Commercially prepared mix
Bedding Plant Soils/Media Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 4-Choosing the Right Soil/Media In this chapter include a graphic and description of each type of bedding plant soil/media
Containers Flat Cell pack Peat pots Eco pots Jiffy 7 Plastic pots Clay pots Hanging baskets
Containers Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 5-Choosing the Right Container In this chapter include a graphic and description of each type of container In your description include the pros & cons of each container
Seed Production
Seed Production 1 Preparing for Seeds 2 Sow Seeds 3 Germination
Seed Production Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 6-How to Plant Seeds List the key steps involved in seed production Classify the steps into 3 categories: Preparing for Seeds, Sowing Seeds, Germination
Cutting Production
Cutting Production Plants easy to propagate by cuttings Ivy Pothos Wandering Jew How to properly take cuttings (stem)
Cutting Production Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 7-How to Take Cuttings List plants easy to propagate from cuttings List the key steps involved in taking cuttings
Bedding Plant Problems
Bedding Plant Problems Cultural Disorders Diseases Pests
Bedding Plant Problems 1. Cultural Disorders Seed germination problems Fertilization problems Uneven growth problems Tall & spindly growth problems Causes & Solutions
Bedding Plant Problems 2. Diseases Solutions Use sterilized soil Use fungicides Improve air circulation Increase air temperature around plant Damping off- seedlings fall over causing the stem to rot Botrytis- lower leaves are brown, rotting and drying out
Bedding Plant Problems 3. Pests Plants or seedlings missing caused by slugs, snails, or roaches Holes in the leaves, damaged leaves or missing plant parts Aphids Spider mites Scale Thrip Whiteflies Fungus gnats Leaf miner Cutworms Slugs Caterpillars Identifying features? Control methods?
Bedding Plant Problems Greenhouse How To Book Chapter 8-How to Address Bedding Plant Problems List the 4 key Cultural Disorders and the CAUSES & SOLUTIONS for each Describe 2 Diseases associated with Bedding Plants. Give a picture for each. Describe a solution for diseases. For each Pest give a description of identifying features. Give control method specific to each pest. Provide a picture for at least 3 of the Pests.
Greenhouse Maintenance
Greenhouse Maintenance Structure 1. Painting 2. Flooring 3. Doors Replace Covering 1. Glass cracked 2. Fiberglass 3. Torn/damaged film Equipment Repair 1. Heater 2. Ventilation 3. Irrigation 4. Lighting Pest Control 1. Weeds 2. Insects 3. Diseases
Plant Maintenance