1 SAPS Operational Strategy Presentation by Deputy National Commissioner LCA Pruis to NPA Stakeholders Conference: 29 March 2007
2 Background The 90’s Organisational Issues Operational approach NCPS CJS Moral Regeneration Environmental Design Cross Border Crime
3 Background (cont…) NCCS Geographical Approach Organised Crime Approach 2000 Operational Approach Stabilise 2003 Integrated approach to CP and CC
4 Background (cont…) 2000 (cont…) PoA Crime Reduction and Public Safety Organised Crime National Security Major Events
5 Crime Reduction 169 Station Areas Sector Policing Partnership Policing Law enforcement operations Concentrate on specific crimes Operational Approaches i.e. COMPSTAT Clustering stations and coordination Crimes against women and children Attacks on and murders of Police Officials Crime Prevention
6 Organised Crime OCTA Operational Approaches organised crime syndicates Regional cooperation International cooperation Focus on crime generators i.e. drugs and firearms Coordination national, regional, international level Wanteds and identifieds priority crimes and repeat offenders Partnership approach
7 National Security Terrorism Border Security Public Order
8 Major Events SWC 2010 Other
9 International Commitments AU and UN Missions AU Standby Force Major Event Assistance and Cooperation Development Assistance Operational Assistance Disaster Management Assistance
10 Budget and Resources MMMMMM PMMITPMMIT 2009: Reservists HR Dev Plan SDIP Surveillance Capacity Forensic Science and CRC, Facial recognition, CCTV Command Centres Systems Vehicles, Air Support, Personal Equipment, Operational Equipment Budget MTEF
11 Command, Control, Communication C 3 Station Capacitate Cluster Stations Coordinate Provincial Coordination and Support National Coordination and Support What then is operational mission? Move from reactive to deterrence to crime prevention
12 Preventative Approach Deterrence and Preventative Approach to impact on: Number cases under investigation Court rolls Case Backlogs Overcrowding prisons
13 Preventative Approach (cont…) SAPSNPAJUSTICEDCS CJS
14 Priorities 5 Priorities
15 Thank you