This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and.


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Presentation transcript:

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program within the Directorate for Education and Human Resources (DUE ). GETSI Y EAR 1 M ATERIALS D EVELOPMENT W ORKSHOP February 21-23, 2014 UNAVCO Office Boulder, CO

T OPICS Introductions – People – UNAVCO office layout GETSI overview Meeting Goals Community input

I NTRO SELF Name Job/institution Role with GETSI Fav geodetic technique/finding/tidbit

GETSI P ROJECT O VERVIEW Mission: Develop and disseminate teaching and learning materials that feature geodesy data applied to critical societal issues such as climate change, water resource management, and natural hazards Funded by NSF’s Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM Type I grant Collaborators – UNAVCO, Mt San Antonio College, and Indiana University in partnership with SERC and NAGT. Will develop four modules (~2 weeks each) – Two Intro-level– Two Majors-level

GETSI P ROJECT M ODULES Module development and assessment following model of SERC’s InTeGrate Project Year 1 module topics – Intro  Ice mass and sea level change Becca Walker (co-PI) & Leigh Stearns (co-author) – Majors  Active tectonics and hazards using InSAR and LiDAR data Bruce Douglas (co-PI) & Gareth Funning (co-author) Year 2 – TBD

GETSI-SERC RELATIONSHIP GETSI will largely use the InTeGrate model for development (as practical) GETSI will largely use InTeGrate assessment process for module quality and student learning evidence GETSI site is hosted by SERC Ellen Iverson (SERC) is our project evaluator and lead assessment consultant Tonya Kjerland (SERC) is our web guru

G UIDING P RINCIPLES FOR M ATERIALS D EVELOPMENT A.Address Grand Challenges B.Interdisciplinary problems (geoscience applied to social issues) C.Nature and methods of science (geoscientific habits of mind) D.Authentic geodesy data and inquiry E.[System thinking]

L INKING G OALS AND P ROCESS : T HE M ATERIALS D ESIGN R UBRIC 1.Guiding Principles 2.Learning Goals and Outcomes 3.Assessment and Measurement 4.Resources and Materials 5.Instructional Strategies 6.Alignment 7.GETSI-specific Instructional Strategies

Identify Module Learning Goals Identify learning outcomes for individual units Determine how to assess and measure student success on goals and outcomes Design teaching resources and materials to match assessments Plan Instructional Strategies to implement teaching resources T HE A PPROACH

D EVELOPMENT P ROCESS (+1 YEAR ) 1.Materials in Development 2.Pass Assessment Rubric 3.Classroom Pilot & Data Collection 4.Review and Revision 5.Publishing

C OMMUNITY INPUT Paper/online survey (n = 63) Two webinars (n = 49 registered; n = 25 attended) SurveyWebinar What is your knowledge of geodesy? 1 = What is geodesy3 = Mention in class5 = I’m a geodesist

C OURSES TAUGHT ~70% taught Intro courses ~70% taught Majors courses – Highest in Geophysics, Tectonics, Structural – Next Earth System Sci., Geomorphology, Volcanology Webinar Survey

G EODETIC T OPICS OF I NTEREST FOR TEACHING Survey (order of interest*) 1.Hazards (eq, volc, landsl) 2.Tectonics 3.Ice/Sea Level 4.Water Resources *Among 2yr faculty the all but water resources were sub- equal highest. Webinars Which topics would they see teaching with geodesy Hazards/tectonics – 64% Climate/change – 68% Water resources – 52%

T EACHING R ESOURCES OF M AX I NTEREST 1.Lab and class ACTIVITIES 2.PRESENTATIONS (including animations/visuals) Also: instructor notes, homework, assessments R EGARDING D ATA S ETS Overall... Intro  Prepped data sets Majors  Data portals BUT – several strong voices for data portals for all if it could be done effectively Only 1 person said in- class computer access was an issue. Majority in favor of Google Earth/Maps use.

O THER COMMENTS FROM WEBINARS No one would commit to adopting 2-week module  Strong interest in “modulettes” or activities that are doable in isolation Would love – Spanish language resources – 101-level videos of lecture on geodesy topics (a la Khan Academy or such) – Regionally-specific data – Data/topics that “takes” students to places they will never visit (i.e. Greenland)

F EW LAST THINGS Go over agenda UNAVCO office layout Items in the packet