Regional Association V (South-West Pacific) Fifteenth Session Bali, April/May 2010 Briefing on key WMO issues (Presented by the Secretary-General)
XV th Congress follow-up The 15 th World Meteorological Congress approved: WMO Strategic Plan RBB Budget The Congress endorsed the WMO Secretariat Operating Plan
3 Top-level long-term objectives: I.Improve forecasts & warnings II.Improve services and their delivery III.Provide expertise in support of decision- making & international development goals & agreements 5 Strategic thrusts: 1.Science/technology development/ implementation 2.Service delivery 3.Partnership 4.Capacity building 5.Efficient management and good governance WMO Strategic Plan ( )
11 expected results 1.Better weather forecasts & warnings 2.Better climate predictions & assessments 3.Better hydrological forecasts & assessments 4.Integration of WMO observing systems 5.A new WMO Information System (WIS) 6.Multi-hazard disaster early warning & preparedness capabilities 7.Enhanced applications and services 8.Enhanced support to decision-making 9.Enhanced capabilities of developing countries, particularly for LDCs 10.Effective & efficient WMO constituent bodies 11.Effective & efficient WMO management & oversight
A 4-year Results-Based Budget (RBB), in which resource justification determines the affordability of the programme activities, with resource justification by results The WMO Budget WMO Monitoring and Evaluation System In development: A WMO Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System to provide for appropriate tracking implementation and feedback of corrective actions within the RBM framework to optimize the scope of achievement of the Deliverables and Expected Results
How it all fits together in RBM
Strategic Plan and Budget Strategic Plan (draft) 3 Global Societal Needs 5 Strategic Thrusts 8 Expected Results Budget (draft) 4 Priorities 26 Key Outcomes (KOs) & their Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Deliverables/Activities
Proposed key priorities Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) - approved by WCC-3 & taking into account anticipated HTF outcomes and Congress decision Capacity building WIGOS/WIS development Disaster Risk Reduction and … Communication !
WMO Budget Evolution (M CHF)
16 years of Zero Nominal Growth Expanded initiatives & requirements WMO DRR, LDCs & Space Programmes Unexpected oversight & audit requirements Additional language requirements Staff level essentially unchanged Expanded costs Expanded EC membership & activities Expanded UN inter-agency coordination UN-wide payroll adjustments 10-year WMO building maintenance Increased travel costs (staff and non-staff) Alleviation measures adopted Enlarged efficiency, automation & outsourcing
ZNG impacts UN organizations increase in assessed contribution Reduction in published titles Reductions in: Duration of meetings Published titles Travel support to Members Technical assistance Delays in production of mandatory WMO pubs.
16 FP proposed assessed Contributions (as recommended by EC-LXI) Proposed 2 % Annual Real Growth (ZRG+2) above inflation Option 1 Zero Real Growth (ZRG) with inflation adjustment only Option 2 Zero Nominal Growth (ZNG) with no change from previous Financial Period
Proposed Budget options for assessed contributions (M CHF) Proposed budget (ZRG+2)267.0 Option 1 adjustment(12.8) Total Option 1 (ZRG)254.2 Option 2 adjustment(4.4) Total Option 2 (ZNG)249.8
Proposed Budget with 2% Real Annual Growth (M CHF) Change Assessed WMO income Surplus9.2-(9.2) Total regular Voluntary108.3(>) 175.0(>) 66.7 Grand total384.3(>) 462.0(>) 77.7
WMO Budget Evolution (M CHF)
Possible Integrated Budget Strategy To consider a possible move from a regular budget to an integrated budget strategy Current assessed budget strategy: resources sharing of 2/3 regular and 1/3 voluntary Integrated budget strategy: 1/2 regular and 1/2 voluntary
Thank you Our main goal is to better serve our Members
2-WMO Budget Evolution (M CHF)
Programme activities and services Initiatives and Projects Key Performance Targets Results-Based Management (RBM) mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating WMO Secretariat Operating Plan
Budget by Expected Results (M CHF) Expected Results in area of:(Regular) 1. Information for decision-making Impact of hazards Climate impacts and adaptation Observing systems Research capabilities Capacity building Partnership and cooperation Effective and efficient WMO74.1 Total287.0