International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome
Shirley Hill Supporting Transition to Practice Placements “When you first go onto a ward it’s very kind of where do I stand, what do I do. I still feel like that feeling doesn’t really go away, you feel very in the way as a medical student”
Methodology Six professional disciplines in one university Mixed methods design: online survey (353); interviews (21) Comparison with discipline placement feedback
Statistical Analysis – Significant Differences Disabled students overall rating lower and experienced more difficulties Students in Nursing and Education less likely to disclose disability on placement Nursing students felt less well prepared for placement than other students
Thematic Analysis – Similar Benefits Developed confidence and skills Reinforced knowledge and confirmed career choice Longer placements would help to develop relationships
Thematic Analysis – Similar Difficulties Travelling to placement Managing workloads/ accessing support Expectations of students Role of/ relationships with placement staff
Thematic Analysis – Differences Difficulties exacerbated for disabled students “My first placement I was relying on public transport...and I found that because of adding that extra bit of time on and how tired that was then making me, my (impairment) was noticeably worse to me”
Thematic Analysis – Differences Disability disclosure and identity “I was enjoying this new identity and I still find it difficult to say I have a disability…it’s disability or difficulty as an issue, separate from me”
Thematic Analysis – Differences Relationships affected by disclosure “He kinda looked at me like I’d grown another head you know, it looked as if like how are you going to do your job, how are you going to cope”
Thematic Analysis – Differences Different attitudes to disability in different disciplines “They were really interested in seeing how I was supported at school to what it is now…like they used it as a tool, how it had all changed round”
Recommendations – All Students Clarify role and responsibilities of staff Identify placement staff best placed to undertake mentor role Clarify expectations of students Provide support with placement travel Ensure ongoing monitoring/communication
Recommendations – Disabled Students Review placement allocation procedures Facilitate prior contact with placement staff Clarify implications of disclosure Offer students control over timing and nature of disclosure Establish written agreement on adjustments
Further Information Contact: Dr. Shirley Hill Head of Disability Services University of Dundee DD1 4HN