Trip to Colorado & Utah May 2010 Libby & Mary
On zee plane in Tampa … all happy.
Colorado National Monument park: Brick wall, turn right.
… into tunnel. (See the leetle cars on the other side?)
Indian Paint Brush – grows in sand.
Follow the lighter green ribbon. There’s water there.
I like this shot because it shows the strata in the rock well.
Squaw Fingers formation
From the top of the picture – Rocky Mountains; Grand Junction; Colorado River; Colorado National Monument. Wow.
I never stopped saying “wow”.
Coke Ovens Beats me. I don’t know why they named it that.
Desperate relaxation, after a day of business then driving. She had 15 Margaritas. (Kidding.)
Next day, on Rte. 128 in Utah, on our way to Moab. We rode along the Colorado River and through the beginning of the Grand Canyon. Spectacular.
Money shot-Fisher Towers (shadowy, mid-picture), La Sal Mountain Range in back drop.
Castle Rock (I think).
B.I.G.! (Colorado River at right.)
On to Arches National Park. This is another “money shot”. They call it Park Avenue.
The Three Gossips and the Courthouse Towers formations.
Balanced Rock. See the leetle peepul at the base?
Cove Arch
Cove of Caves
Devil’s Garden, in part
The colors in the sand included blue, green, red, and yellow. It doesn’t show up that well in this picture but it’s there, I swear.
On to Canyonlands National Park. This is a shot of Shafer Trail reserved ONLY for small 4-wheel-drive vehicles, like the Jeep you see at the bottom of the screen. The trail is more than 20 miles long and perilous. I AM DEFINITELY going back there. (Maybe not the Shafter Trail …)
From Island in the Sky. The view is obscured due to a dust storm.
We’re looking down from 6,080 feet onto an elevation of 4,880 feet.
One of my favorite shots of the whole trip.
Junction Butte
Last day, driving back over the Rockies and you can see the snow falling in the higher elevations.
River, Cottonwood trees, mountains. Ahhhhh.
This color is really the color of the rock. Amazing.
The lighter green in the shot below are Aspen trees.
Snow on the trees. I took this shot for Libby. The car was moving at about 80 mph so the picture may appear blurry …
Bare tootsies in the snow near the summit. I think we were at about 11,000 feet. It was 26 degrees outside. Brrrr.
At Tampa airport having arrived about 12 hours later than we were supposed to.