LIC’S Jeevan Vaibhav (Plan No. 809)
Features Single premium non-linked plan Payment of Guaranteed Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any, on maturity or death. Close ended plan which would be open for sale from 21st May, 2012 for a maximum period of 120 days. Option for backdating is also available
Eligibility Minimum Age at Entry for LA 8 years (completed) Maximum age entry for LA 65 years (nearest birthday) Mode of premium payment Single premium Minimum Sum Assured Rs.2,00,000/- Maximum Sum Assured No Limit ( in multiples of Rs 10,000) Policy Term 10 yrs
Assured maturity benefit = + Loyalty Addition, if any Benefits payable on maturity Assured maturity benefit = Sum Assured + Loyalty Addition, if any
Benefits payable on death If life assured dies during the policy term except in the last policy year Sum Assured shall be payable If life assured dies during the last policy year Sum Assured along with Loyalty Addition, if any, shall be payable
Surrender Value Guaranteed Surrender Value Available after completion of atleast 1 policy year and is equal to 90% of the premium paid excluding extra premium, if any
Surrender Value Special Surrender Value Payable, if it is more favorable to the policyholder. The SSV will be the discounted value of the Sum Assured. The discount factors shall be the special surrender value factors used for Endowment Assurance plan, which will depend on the duration elapsed since commencement of the policy. The SSV factors per Rs. 100 Basic Sum Assured for duration 1 and 1.5 years are 44.52 and 45.97 respectively.
Loans Loan available after completion of one policy year subject to a maximum of 70% of Surrender Value. The rate of interest - 10.25% p.a. compounding half-yearly and the same would be subject to review from time to time by the Corporation. No foreclosure action applicable under this plan even if there is a default in payment of loan interest
Commission for agents 2% of the Single Premium received
Important - Service Tax Under this plan, the amount of service tax as per the prevailing rates shall be payable by the policyholder on single premium including extra premium, if any.