Bellringers Bellringers for all classes
Bellringer # In the late nineteenth century, many a banker and industrialist were called a “robber baron.” 2. Neither J.P Morgan nor other tycoons of his time is known today for humility. Corrections: 1) was 2) are
Bellringer # Stories in the paper and on the radio often contains information about inventions. 2. Scientists and engineers in each of many areas of study makes breakthroughs. 3. A story about new ways to fight diseases are always fascinating to me. Corrections: 1) contain 2) make 3) is
Bellringer # My fathers’ hearing aids give him trouble. 2. One would expect that hearing aid’s batteries would last longer than they do. 3. Dad has more difficulty understanding womens speech than means, but the hearing aid’s help by amplifying voices. Corrections: 1) father’s 2) aids’ 3) women’s
Bellringer #54 1. The writer ovserves Dave Barry, working at his desk. 2. Reading over his copy Barry makes many changes. 3. Who would guess that someone, writing a humor column, would work so hard? Corrections: 1) take out comma 2) comma after copy 3) take out commmas
Bellringer # After I had saw the art exhibit, I left the gallery. 2. Some of the paintings were staying in my mind. 3. My friends written critical reports about the exhibit, but I seen things differently. Corrections: 1) seen 2) stayed 3) wrote and saw