Contact Information VP of Finance: Jeremy Buday- Deputy VP: Mitch McDonald– Deputy VP: Mary Khan– Senate Finance Committee Chair Calvin Lee– Audit Committee Chair Max Weiss–
Student Organization Accounts C Fund Allocation from SBA Senate Finance Committee Spending Restrictions No Carry Over R Fund Fundraising and Ad Hoc Carries over from year to year *** MUST USE SBA ACCOUNTS FOR ALL TRANSACTIONS
Fund Usage I Deposits SBA deposits annual C Fund distribution into account Groups can deposit money from fundraising events, activities, etc. into R fund MUST USE DEPOSIT FORM ON SBA PAGE Stuart 213 Secure Box for Deposits No Money can be kept overnight by groups
Fund Usage II Payments Reimbursements MUST USE FORM FROM SBA PAGE REQUIRED Documentation: Original, Itemized Receipt (photocopies not acceptable) For Cards: Original, Photocopied, or Online Printout of Bank or Credit Card Statement For Checks: Copy of Front and Back of Cashed Checks List of Attendees Event Flyer Must submit within 30 days Allow 3-4 weeks for reimbursement, pending approval from Audit Committee
Fund Usage III Spending Domino’s Pizza Form Form On SBA Page Domino’s will bill group direct from account Direct Payments Vendor must be in system A check will be sent directly to vendor from GW Needs to be at least 3 weeks in advance (2 weeks to issue check) P-Card Must give at least 3 days notice Must discuss circumstances with Jeremy
Restrictions No Gift Cards No Funding of Political Campaigns C Fund Open to entire Law School Not for Fundraising Expenses No Reimbursement for Car Rental Insurance or Gas
Miscellaneous Info Tax Exempt Forms on GW Tax Page Branding GW Logo use needs approval by University Contracts DO NOT SIGN CONTRACTS NEED TO BE APPROVED BY UNIVERSITY Intra-University Payments Account can be billed directly
Finance Committee Senate Finance Committee Chair Calvin Lee–
Annual Budgets Process: Complete and Submit Budget Request Form to SBA Finance Committee AND supplemental Cover Letter List of Prioritized Events & Brief Descriptions Itemized List of Expenses for Events Past Finance History Sign-up for a Hearing and Meet with Finance Committee Finance Committee Will Propose an Amount to be Funded to SBA Senate Senate Will Vote on the Request
Annual Budgets II Optional: Appeals Finance Committee will Notify Student Groups before Senate Vote Complete and Submit Notification of Appeal to Finance Committee Present Request to Senate in Person on Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015
Budget Dates Tuesday, August 25, 2015Mandatory orientation for all treasurers at 5:00 p.m. in LL102. Wednesday, August 26, 2015Mandatory orientation for all treasurers at 5:00 p.m. in LL102. Saturday, August 29, 2015Budgets requests due by 5:00 p.m. to NO EXCEPTIONS Sunday, August 30, 2012 toBudget hearings with the Senate Finance Committee Wednesday, Sept. 2, 2012As available Midnight (FCFS). Friday, September 4, 2012 Proposed budget allocations released to individual groups and to the SBA Senate. Sunday, September 6, 2012Notification of appeal due by midnight to Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2012 Budget appeals heard before the full Senate Final appropriations bill goes before the Senate C Funds will be available following Senate approval
Ad Hoc Funding Purpose: New Events/Unforeseen Expenses Process: Complete and Submit Ad Hoc Funding Request Form to SBA Finance Committee along with Supplemental Meet with Finance Committee Finance Committee Will Propose an Amount to be Funded to SBA Senate Senate Will Vote on the Request Optional: Present Request to Senate
OOPS Fund For Emergency Situations Explain “Emergency” in Detail to SBA Senate Finance Committee High Level of Scrutiny
Audit Committee Audit Committee Chair Max Weiss–
Audit Committee Goals Ensure honesty and integrity in the SBA Finance process. Hold student groups accountable for the money allocated to them. Track events and spending to improve programing for the GW Law community.
Audit Committee: Annual Budget For REIMBURSEMENT requests Submit by (to Copies of reimbursement forms Receipts Attendance records Advertising material A one-page explanation (optional) of the charges The audit committee will review the documents and inform the VP of Finances if issues arise. For DIRECT PAYMENT requests CC the audit committee on all communications regarding direct payment requests, and submit an explanation of what the charges will be. For all events costing over $250 A copy of the of your group’s annual budget allocation, highlighted to show the relevant allocation. IF PLANS CHANGE (e.g., you had a speaker scheduled, but she cannot make it anymore) and you want to spend your annual allocation on a different activity, you MUST submit an explanation to the audit committee (by ) TWO WEEKS AHEAD OF THE EVENT. If the cancelled event and the new event are similar (e.g., replacing a speaker, career panel to networking event, change conferences), the audit committee will likely approve the change. If the two events are substantially different (e.g., replacing a career panel with a two week vacation in Guam), the group will be referred to the Finance Committee to approve or deny the changed allocation.
Audit Committee: Ad Hoc Funding For REIMBURSEMENT requests Submit by (to Copies of reimbursement forms Receipts Attendance records Advertising material A one-page explanation (optional) of the charges A copy of the relevant ad hoc funding bill The audit committee will review the documents and inform the VP of Finances if issues arise. For DIRECT PAYMENT requests CC the audit committee on all communications regarding direct payment requests, and submit an explanation of what the charges will be. Also submit a copy of the relevant ad hoc funding bill. Leftover funds (the difference between the ad hoc allocation and the price of the event) will be collected by the VP of Finance. The audit committee appreciates that plans change, and will therefore be somewhat lenient in terms of approving changes in annual budget allocations. However, ad hoc funding is meant to be used for its stated purpose, and therefore deviations from the purpose for which money was allocated will be strictly scrutinized. Significant deviation may result in punitive actions.
Audit Committee: Fundraising Submit (to A copy of the deposit form A one page explanation (optional) Fundraisers will be tracked by the audit committee. Remember, failure to hold an annual fundraiser will render a group ineligible for annual budgeting the following year. Therefore, if you do not submit your deposit form within the school year, your group will not be funded next year.
Thank You Please feel free to reach out at any time VP of Finance: Jeremy Buday- Deputy VP: Mitch McDonald– Deputy VP: Mary Khan– Senate Finance Committee Chair Calvin Lee– Audit Committee Chair Max Weiss–