Condition in which certain colors can not be distinguished Red-Green most common (99%) Blue-Yellow; Rare no test available.
The retina contains rods and cones which are responsible for vision in different types of light. People with normal color vision have 3 different kinds of cones.
Colorblindness is genetic (X chromosome generally the carrier.) One may become color blind due to eye, nerve, or brain damage.
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1. Who is most likely to be color blind. Males or Females? 2. If a person is colorblind what part of the retina is missing? 3. Jack and Jill have three children, one boy and two girls. Jack has no colorblind tendencies, Jill carries a colorblind gene. Which child will most likely be colorblind? Who could become possible carriers? 4. What percent of males are colorblind? Females? 5. Do you think colorblindness should be considered a disability? Why or why not?