Sexual Harassment Awareness
Scope of the Problem Women make up 3.7% of the total number of firefighters in the US 88% of them report some form of sexual harassment
Think about this situation during the class: A male and female firefighter have been exchanging sexually explicit banter back and forth for some time. They both regularly participate in telling each other dirty jokes and bragging about their sexual ability. This activity has been witnessed by other members of the department and is assumed to be consensual. One day, the female firefighter comes to the Fire Chief and states that she is offended by the male firefighter’s comments and wants him disciplined
Thoughts to consider: Has sexual harassment occurred? What action should the Fire Chief take? Wouldn’t you rather deal with this?
What is Sexual Harassment? Any unwanted act or behavior with sexual undertones that negatively impact the recipient’s work environment
Supreme Court Requirements Must be severe Must be threatening or humiliating Must be frequent Must have a negative impact on the work environment
Other Requirements The person must be harassed as part of their work Can be same-sex Civil Rights Act of 1964 made it a crime that is dealt with in civil court Goes to criminal court when the person harassed is not a worker (a patient, for example)
Two Kinds of Harassment According to EEOC Quid pro quo Hostile environment
Quid Pro Quo Providing reward in exchange for sexual favors Must involve someone with the authority to reward
Hostile Environment Repeated unwanted acts Sexual or gender-based Has a negative impact on the work environment
Why is the Fire Service Vulnerable? Traditionally male Women still only make up a small percentage Firefighting often seen as “men’s work” Women often limited to EMS, fire prevention, or support functions
Fire Service Examples Sexually charged conversations or humor Display of lewd material (including computer images) Lewd pranks or physical gestures Failure to promote based on gender Exclusion from tasks Failure to provide adequate equipment or facilities
Responsibility of Members Do not participate in offensive situations Report offensive situations right away Do not file false claims
Responsibility of the Leadership Develop and enforce clear policies Promptly and thoroughly investigate all claims of harassment Support all members, regardless of gender The Company Leadership is Responsible for the Actions of Supervisors Even If They Were Unaware!
In Clayton You must report the offense to an elected officer who was not involved It must be within 30 days of the offense A confidential investigation will follow If a member is determined to be guilty by the Board of Directors will be charged with Improper Conduct and disciplined accordingly Clayton Fire Company Sexual Harassment Policy
Thoughts on the Scenario Has sexual harassment occurred? Yes, the conversations meet the requirements of sexual harassment. What actions should the Fire Chief take? Both members need to understand that their conversations create a sexually charged, and therefore, hostile environment. Both should be warned to cease the activity.