Rob Darrow Being Digital in a Digital Age Rob Darrow Library Media Teacher Online Learning Specialist Clovis Unified Internet Facts Updated 11/02
Rob Darrow "We live in a digital age, practicing an industrial age… We need a digital strategy in a digital age." "We live in a digital age, practicing an industrial age… We need a digital strategy in a digital age." Ann Hill Duin, Associate Provost, Iowa State University March 26, 2001 An Opening Thought…
Rob Darrow "...we still educate our students based on an agricultural timetable, in an industrial setting, yet tell students they live in a digital age." Thoughts Rod Paige, Secretary of Education U.S. Department of Education September 9, 2002 (
Rob Darrow Other Thoughts… We live in a world with: –Digital kids and analog adults –High school students today are the first generation who grew up on the Internet
Rob Darrow My Thoughts In an information rich society, you need more trained professionals Trained professionals will gain jobs because of their knowledge in the use of technology and the web Students NEED trained teachers and professionals to guide them in how to use information – both print and digital
Rob Darrow Are you digital? Handout and Discussion: –What does it mean to be digital? –Digital Checklist
Rob Darrow Why be digital? To meet the needs of the students we teach…and guide the teachers we work with
Rob Darrow Facts about Information... Today, the amount of information in the world doubles every two years. In the year 2010, it is predicted that the amount of information will double every 72 hours.
Rob Darrow Background Statistics Internet The Internet had more users in its first five years than the telephone did in its first thirty outnumbers regular mail by nearly ten to one The web is still doubling in size…every days (USA Today, 1996) A new web page appears every 4 minutes
Rob Darrow More Background Statistics Internet According to a recent UCLA study (2000): –by 1997, some 19 million Americans were using the Internet. That number tripled in one year, and then passed 100 million in –In the first quarter of 2000, more than five million Americans joined the online world – roughly 55,000 new users each day 2,289 new users each hour, or 38 new users each minute. –
Rob Darrow Internet Connectivity In fall 2001, 99 percent of public schools in the United States had access to the Internet. (NCES, 2002 – ubid= ) ubid=
Rob Darrow Technology-based training will increase more than four fold over the next five years. IDC, 1999, US IT Education and Training Revenues % of large organizations are implementing some form of on-line learning this year. Fortune Online, May 24, 1999 It is estimated that 50% of business training will be online, rather than face-to-face by the end of Fortune Online Background Statistics Business
Rob Darrow Background Statistics Children More than 17 million teens, or three- fourths of all U.S. kids ages 12 to 17, go online each month. Cyber Dialogue. July, 2001, By the year 2002, 45 million children online Oct 24, FIND/SVP Currently 88 million offspring ages 0-20 in U.S. Tapscott, Growing Up Digital (
Rob Darrow Background Statistics Children High school students today are first generation to grow up on the Internet Students internalize technology use, while adults have to adopt it According to a recent study, more school- age children in the nation use computers at school than at home (Newburger 2001). Newburger, E. (2001). Home Computers and Internet Use in the United States: August U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, August 2000.
Rob Darrow Web Commission Report to Congress (Dec. 2000) “The question is no longer if the Internet can be used to transform learning in new and powerful ways. The Commission has found that it can.” “The question is no longer if the Internet can be used to transform learning in new and powerful ways. The Commission has found that it can.” --The Power of the Internet for Learning: Moving from Promise to Practice. Report of the Web Based Commission to The President and the Congress of the United States. December, 2000.
Rob Darrow Web Commission Report to Congress (Dec. 2000) 50% of all employees skills become outdated within 3 to 5 years. … what counts most for instructional purposes is classroom connectivity, providing student access to Internet connections where they learn — in the classroom Learning environments should be centered around knowledge, learners, social interactions, and assessment
Rob Darrow Being Digital means knowing about digital resources… Some examples…
Rob Darrow Public Library Access With a library card, you have access to online magazine and newspaper databases Search all materials in county library collection
Rob Darrow University Library Access Fresno State Every state university catalog Every UC library
Rob Darrow Dig Ref What is Digital Reference (DigRef)? –Digital reference, or "AskA", services –Internet-based question-and-answer services that connect users with experts and subject expertise. –Digital reference services use the Internet to connect people with people who can answer questions and support the development of skills.
Rob Darrow The Virtual Reference Desk
Rob Darrow Florida Distance Learning Reference and Referral Service Purpose: –Library and reference services for distance learning college students –Cooperative among 73 Florida community, state colleges and public libraries
Rob Darrow Florida Distance Learning Reference and Referral Service Students contact librarians via – –Web –Chat –Phone call
Rob Darrow California Digital Resources: Digital California Project – –Infrastructure and high speed network connecting all schools –71 access nodes across state California Digital Project –Digitizing California’s pictures and sounds. Library of California –Joining all California libraries
Rob Darrow Digital California Project (DCP) – Expands teachers’ and learners’ access to rich standards-based content resources. Enables the use of highest quality material & programs by improving delivery of digital resources Ensures that these materials & programs are reliably available when & where needed
Rob Darrow Newer Online Resources: Streaming Video –Download full motion picture movies in Real Player or Windows Media Player –By teachers or students What’s next?
Rob Darrow Some online/digital teaching strategies Hot List Topics Subject Sampler Treasure Hunt Scrapbooks WebQuests ThinkQuest (online competition for students) Quests (cost i.e. Classroom Connect Africa Quest)
Rob Darrow Final Thoughts "There are two fundamental equalizers in life: the Internet and education." -John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems, 1999