Genetics Week 2 LPA Standard 4 Objective 2
Monday Objective I will explain the phases of meiosis.
Bell work Work with your table partner to find the complete and correct answers to questions #1-7 on page 198.
Review Meiosis Draw the phases of Meiosis (with the teacher). Use the slips of colored paper and the large paper to model Meiosis. – Large paper = nucleus – Desk = cell – Colored paper = chromosomes
Review Fertilization Egg + Sperm = Zygote N N2N
Homework Read pages
Tuesday Objective I will explain how Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment affect genetic inheritance.
Vocabulary Create new flashcards for the following terms: – Genetics – Heredity – Law of Segregation – Law of Independent Assortment
Vocabulary Review Review the definitions for each term below: – Gene – Allele – Dominant – Recessive – Genotype – Phenotype
Reading Questions What questions do you have after your reading last night?
Heredity The passing of ________________ from parent to offspring is called ______________. The study of heredity in ____________ is called ____________. __________ ___________ is the “Father of modern _____________.”
Blending Inheritance Theory During Mendel’s time, the Blending Inheritance Theory was dominant. This theory states that _____________ were a “mix” of their ___________.
Mendel’s initial observations: 1.Plants sometimes had offspring that were not exactly like their ____________ nor were they a _______ of their parents. 2.Certain traits ______________ after disappearing in an earlier ____________.
Mendel’s experiments: Subject = peas (fast growing and available in many varieties) Study seven characteristics of pea plants: – Flower color-- Stem length – Flower position on stem-- Pod shape – Pod color-- Seed shape – Seed color
Mendel’s Experiment A ________ is a heritable variation of a characteristic. Each trait Mendel studied occurred in _______ contrasting traits. – Short stem vs tall stem – See table at top of page 201
Mendel’s Experiment Cross-pollination: Mendel removed the anthers of the flowers in a group and dusted the stigma with stamen from a different group. Review the diagram on page 202. Monohybrid cross = a cross in which only one characteristic is examined
Mendel’s results See data table at bottom of page 203. A __________ is a unit of heredity.
Mendel’s Theory of Heredity 1.There are different versions of ______ which account for variations in ____________. a)Different versions of genes are called __________. 2.When two different _______ are inherited together, ________ may be expressed, while the effect of the other may be “________.” a)Dominant vs recessive alleles
Mendel’s Theory of Heredity 3.For each _____________, an organism inherits ______ alleles, one from each __________. 4.When __________ are formed, the two alleles of each gene are separated. During __________, each gamete receives _______ allele for each trait. During fertilization, ________ fuse and the zygote contains ________ alleles for each trait.
Law of Segregation A ________ of alleles is __________, or segregated, during the formation of __________. During __________, homologous chromosomes are randomly __________. Each resulting _______ has an equal probability of receiving either of the two _________.
Mendel’s Second Experiment Dihybrid cross = a testcross in which the ___________ of _______ characteristics is tracked at the same time. Conclusion = _______________ are inherited independently of each other.
Law of Independent Assortment The ___________ of one trait will not affect the inheritance of another. Modern Discovery: – Linked genes are genes that are close together on a chromosome and are packaged into the gametes _____________.
Allele Combinations Homozygous Dominant: – Both _______ are dominant (and capitalized) Homozygous Recessive: – Both _______ are recessive (and lowercase) Heterozygous: – One _________ allele and one __________ allele
Homework Complete questions #1-8 on page 207 of your textbook. Read pages
Wednesday Objective I will describe biotechnology that presents ethical issues.
Bell work Complete questions #9-14 on page 207 of your textbook.
Quiz C =NO communication except with the teacher. H =Raise your hand and wait to speak. A =Take the test. Answer every question. M =Do not get out of your seat or into your bags. P =Finish the test. When you finish, begin working on questions #1-5 on page 210.
Questions Review questions #1-5 on page 210.
Homework Read pages in your textbook.
Thursday Objective Review Cells and Genes. Bill Nye Videos: – Inside the living cells – Genes (7 th Period has an assembly)
Friday Objective I will demonstrate how to predict genotypes and phenotypes.
Vocabulary Create new flashcards for the following terms: – Punnett square – Testcross – Heterozygous – Homozygous – Pedigree – Sex-linked trait – Polygenic trait
Reading Questions What questions do you have after your reading last night?
Punnett squares A Punnett square is a ___________ that helps predict the probable ___________ of alleles in different crosses. Ff F f
Punnett square practice 1.Parents = one purple flower (homozygous) and one white flower. Purple color is dominant. 2.Parents = one purple flower (heterozygous) and one white flower.
Pedigree Charts A pedigree is a ___________ that shows the ___________ of a trait over several ______________. Pedigrees are commonly used to track genetic __________ and _____-_______ traits.
Sex-linked Traits Sex-linked traits have alleles located on the sex ______________ (X or Y). There are more ______-linked traits than there are _____ - linked traits. Most sex-linked traits are _____________.
Punnett square & Pedigrees Complete the practice at the top of page 217.
Non-Mendelian Modes of Inheritance Codominance = both traits appear in a ____________ offspring. Neither allele is completely _____________ nor __________. Incomplete Dominance = the phenotype of the offspring is somewhere in between the _____________ of both parents. A completely ____________ allele does not occur.
Non-Mendelian Modes of Inheritance Polygenic traits = traits that are affected by more than one _________. – Eye color – Skin color – Blood type
Homework Complete questions #1-7 on page 221.