National/Regional Air Quality Modeling Assessment Over China and Taiwan Using Models-3/CMAQ Modeling System Joshua S. Fu 1, Carey Jang 2, David Streets 3, Zuopan Li 1, Litao Wang 4, Qiang Zhang 4, Binyu Wang 2, Jung-Hun Woo 5, Der- Ming Tsai 6 and Yu-Lin Wu 6 1 University of Tennessee, USA 2 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA 3 Argonne National Laboratory, USA 4 Tsinghua University, China 5 University of Iowa, USA 5 University of Iowa, USA 6 National Chen Kung University RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Domain : Great China Region Grid Resolution : 36-/12-/4-km (Nested Modeling) Episode : July 1-20, 2001 January 1-20, 2001 Models-3/CMAQ Study Domains Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
China National/Regional Modeling Configuration Features : Models-3/CMAQ One-Atmosphere (multi-pollutants) Run July and January 2001 CMAQ Runs Nationwide, East China/Beijing CMAQ Domains Model Setup : NASA’s TRACE-P emission inventories and Beijing local emissions and GEIA biogenic emission inventory Emissions Processing: Spatial allocation (GIS/Gridding), Temporal, speciation needed for the M3/CMAQ simulations 36-km (164x97), 12-km (175x211), and 4-km (160x142), (90x90), (97x133), 14 vertical layers Meteorology : MM5 V3.6.2 CMAQ (February, 2004 version) Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
China National/Regional Application Layer distribution : Layer 1: 38 m Layer 2: 91.5 m Layer 3: m Layer 4: m Layer 5: m Layer 6: m Layer 7: m Layer 8: m : Layer 14: m Ozone Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Convert TRACE-P emission data to CB IV Speciations Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
China Regional Modeling (Nesting): O 3 36-km12-km4-km Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
NOx Emissions (36kmx36km) TRACE-P January EM TRACE-P July EM Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
NOx Emissions (12kmx12km) TRACE-P January EM TRACE-P July EM Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
NOx Emissions (4kmx4km) TRACE-P July EM TRACE-P January EM Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
NOx Emissions (4kmx4km) TRACE-P EMISSION Beijing EMISSION Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
SO2 Emissions (4kmx4km) TRACE-P EMISSION Beijing EMISSION Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
PAR Emissions TRACE-P EMISSION Beijing EMISSION Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Difference of PAR Emissions Beijing EMISSION – TRACE-P EMISSION Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Wind Field Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
China Regional Modeling (Nesting): O 3 (2PM July 15, 2001.) 36-km12-km4-km Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Air Quality Modeling Assessment in Beijing (base case- July 2001) Ozone TRACE-P EMs Beijing EMs Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Beijing Regional (4-km) Modeling: O 3 (July 4-20, 2001, episode max.) TRACE-P EMs Beijing EMs Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Sensitivity runs for Beijing region (base case- July 2001) Ozone 3xVOC Beijing EMs Beijing EMs2xVOC Beijing EMs Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Sensitivity runs for Beijing region (base case- July 2001) Ozone (July 4-20, 2001, episode max.) Beijing EMs2xVOC Beijing EMs3xVOC Beijing EMs Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Episodic Max O3 (2001 July ) No transported Zero out Transported
O3 Daily Max Animation Zero Out (2001 July ) cn4B0
Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004 O3 Daily Max (2001 July )
Beijing Regional (4-km) Modeling: PM 2.5 (Jan./July 4-20, 2001, episode avg.) 75 ug/m 3 July January 150 ug/m Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
PM2.5 Composition in Beijing (Jan.) PM2.5 Composition in Beijing (July) M3/CMAQ (4-km) January 4-20, 2001 PM2.5: 154 (ug/m 3 ) M3/CMAQ (4-km) July 4-20, 2001 PM2.5: 99 (ug/m 3 ) Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Episodic AVG PM2.5 (2001 July ) Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004 Background BC Zero out Nested BC
cn4B0 PM 2.5 Daily MAX Animation (2001 July ) Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
CMAQ vs. Obs. PM 2.5 Episode Average Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20,
Domain : Greater China Region Grid Resolution : 36-km/12-km/4km (Nested Modeling) Episodes : Jan. (Jan., April, Oct.), 2001 Models-3/CMAQ Pilot Study Domains Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Taiwan Regional Air Quality Modeling Preliminary Results for January Case Features : Models-3/CMAQ One-Atmosphere (multi- pollutants) Run Model Setup : NASA’s TRACE-P emission inventories and GEIA biogenic emission inventory and TEDS Emissions Processing: Spatial allocation (GIS/Gridding), Temporal, speciation and SMOKE needed for the M3/CMAQ simulations Domains: 36-km (130X94),12-km (135X198) and 4-km (56X108), 12 vertical layers Meteorology : MM5 (V3.5) considered snow cover, NCEP data for IC and BC CMAQ Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Air Quality Modeling over China & Taiwan : Model Nesting 36-km 12-km4-km Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Wind Field Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
The Effects of Air Pollutants Transport in Taiwan Ozone Background air BCNested air BCDiff Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Nested Modeling at Different Grid Resolution: PM 2.5 Taiwan (Jan. 4-20, 2001, episode avg.) 36-km 12-km 4-km (non-nested) Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
PM2.5 Background air BCNested air BC The Effects of Air Pollutants Transport in Taiwan Diff Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Visibility (Deciview) The Effects of Air Pollutants Transport in Taiwan Background air BCNested air BCDiff Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Summary The first ever application using “One Atmosphere” CMAQ modeling system for Beijing regional air quality modeling Emissions: Investigate Trace-P Asian emissions and apply Beijing local emissions and Taiwan emission inventory, especially NOx, SO2 and VOC emissions, e.g., ALD2, OLE, PAR. The use of monitoring data is essential to against CMAQ modeling results CMAQ model performance is acceptable for PM25 but ozone concentrations are under predicted VOC found that it may be underestimated in China from sensitivity runs Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Summary Models-3/CMAQ has been tested for January and July scenarios in national/regional/urban scales in China and Taiwan Models-3/CMAQ has been tested for January and July scenarios in national/regional/urban scales in China and Taiwan 36-km, 12-km and 4-km. 36-km, 12-km and 4-km. Select typical episodes in January, and October- November (O3), 2001 to further study for the China and Taiwan 4-km domains. Select typical episodes in January, and October- November (O3), 2001 to further study for the China and Taiwan 4-km domains Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004
Acknowledgment USEPA and Taiwan EPA funding support USEPA and Taiwan EPA funding support University of Tennessee Office of Research University of Tennessee Office of Research Argonne National Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory Tsinghua University Tsinghua University University of Iowa University of Iowa National Cheng Kung University National Cheng Kung University Models-3/CMAQ Workshop, RTP, NC, October 20, 2004