BACKGROUND -Born in Boston, Massachusetts. -Ben worked in his father’s candle-making shop. -When he was young, his brother James was his enemy.
1740-HE HELPED START A SCHOOL CALLED THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA -It was Philadelphia's first college. -It is 270 years old.
1752-HE INVENTED THE LIGHTNING ROD -It basically protects your house from lightning by having the lightning strike the rod. Then then a wire is attached and lightning goes through the wire and into the ground. -The lightning rod is still used today.
1752-HE PROVED THAT LIGHTNING IS A FORM OF ELECTRICITY -He used a kite with a key at the end and the lightning struck the kite, and the electricity went to the key. -The lightning didn’t hurt him!
1776-BEN SIGNED THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE -The Declaration of Independence let people fight against King George lll, the King of England. -It also said they can trade what they wanted and make their own laws.
BEN SIGNED THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION -This made sure the people making rules for the country don’t get too much power. -It also says some of the procedures for going to war.
CHARACTER TRAITS -He was compassionate because he helped stop fines on the citizens from the British Parliament. -He was responsible because he never gave up in school/homeschool.
QUOTE “If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the reading.” This means do things worth it so you can be remembered.
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