Department of Administration Office of the Chief Financial Officer SMART Team ASTRA Presentation May 13,
Update on the SMART Upgrade within the FOCUS Project SMART is moving from PS 9.0 to PS 9.2. Currently finishing designs documents for changes that are being brought forward to 9.2. A few new changes are being designed to make new functionality work better for Kansas agencies. Configuration tasks are underway. Some changes are for existing processes (like CONUS rates within Travel & Expense), while other configurations are for new functionality. Creating test plans and test scripts are the next big tasks. 2
Next FOCUS Project User Meeting will be held in August. Go live is planned for November 13, SMART Web website will be your best source of information regarding upgrade information. 3
Topics: Review fiscal year end resources Fiscal year end and other questions Reporting and queries Clean Address 4
Informational Circular 15-A-006 – Explains the procedures for fiscal year end closing 2015 and opening of fiscal year – Includes useful day-by-day summary as a reference tool. – Includes references to helpful queries and job aids. – Includes link to month-end checklists for accounts receivable, accounts payable, travel and expense, asset management, general ledger, and purchasing. – Within the informational circular, go to the REFERENCES section to find a printable version of the circular. 5
7 Office of Procurement and Contracts also published an informational circular that includes the fiscal year end cutoffs for purchasing. A link to this document is included in the Informational Circular 15-A-006 in both the Purchasing section and the REFERENCES section. contracts/procurement-informational-circulars contracts/procurement-informational-circulars
9 Housekeeping items for fiscal year end Deadlines are provided in Informational Circular 15-A-006. Generally speaking, the last day to transact in SMART for fiscal year 2015 will be Friday, June 26. The system will be unavailable to users Saturday, June 27 through Tuesday, June 30. The system will open for fiscal year 2016 on Wednesday, July 1. The SMART Team is actively working to assist your agency by identifying incomplete, outstanding and incorrect transactions in SMART that must be resolved prior to fiscal year end. Details of these transactions have been, and will continue to be, sent to your agency via Service Desk (Help Desk) tickets. Please review and respond to these tickets as soon as possible. Also note, the transactions identified in Service Desk tickets will not be all inclusive of the incomplete, outstanding and incorrect transactions that your agency may have. You will need to continue to run queries to find transactions as well.
Refer to PM 14,002 Fiscal Year Closing of Obligations – General to help determine the appropriate processing period for each type of account code activity. Please note: it would be extremely helpful if agency accounting staff were available to answer any questions during the day on Monday, June 29 and Tuesday, June 30 as the SMART Team is preparing the system for closing. The Accounts Receivable module is treated differently to accommodate receipts received through the end of the day Tuesday, June 30. See the informational circular for those details. SMART will be unavailable to users on Friday, July 11 through Sunday, July 13 as the general ledger closing entries are generated and processed. SMART will resume fiscal year 2016 processing on Monday, July
Fiscal Year End and Other Questions These questions were submitted through the ASTRA registration process. If you still have questions at the end of this presentation, please submit them to the SMART Team through the Service Desk (also known as ManageEngine). 11
Q1. As noted in the FY 2015 Close Day by Day Summary, after June 2015 close in all modules, lapses will be posted. What does that mean? A1. At fiscal year end, the available budget for a fund is reduced to zero (including federal funds and other no limit funds). This is done by posting budget journal entries to either lapse the total or reappropriate it to the new fiscal year based on the appropriation bill. 12
Q2. What does the SMART Team do to lapse budgets? A2. During fiscal year end close, the available fund budget is calculated by subtracting expenses and encumbrances from the total fund budget. The SMART Team does this on a statewide basis. An agency can view this amount in SMART, one fund at a time. Commitment Control > Review Budget Activities > Budget Details Enter Business Unit, Ledger Group = cc_Approp, Account begins with 50, Fund Code, Budget Unit and Budget Period =
15 Results of the search: In this example, $2,162, would either be lapsed or reappropriated. By clicking the indicated icon, all of the budget journals that make up the budget are displayed:
16 Budget journals are displayed: The Document ID generally indicates the reason for the budget journal, ie. the 2015_APR above is the legislative appropriation for 2015; the 14REAPPROP above is the amount reappropriated from Fund balances that are reappropriated into the next fiscal year can be expended the same as appropriated funds for that fiscal year. However, when funds have been encumbered using a PO, the funding is tied to the fiscal year in which it was encumbered and can only be used for expenses from that fiscal year. At fiscal year end all prior year unencumbered balances are lapsed. This is why it is important to review POs prior to the close of the fiscal year.
Q3. What does the SMART Team do to create budgets ? A3. During fiscal year end, when SMART is closed to agencies, the budgets from IBARS are loaded into budget journals in Commitment Control and posted to the cc_Approp ledger. For appropriated and limited funds, the budget is the amount listed in the appropriation bill. In addition, if the appropriation bill indicates that funds be reappropriated, the available budget from the current fiscal year is moved to the new fiscal year. A budget of $999,999,999 is entered for no limit funds. No limit funds may have an IBARS budget in addition to the $999,999,
Q4. Why are there cash balance differences between Commitment Control and the General Ledger in SMART? A4. There can be many reasons for differences between Commitment Control (KK) and the General Ledger (GL). Here are just a few reasons: 1.The Account used in KK was changed before it was posted to the GL; therefore, the amounts by Account do not match. 2.The transaction can be budget checked in one accounting period/fiscal year and posted to the GL in a different accounting period/fiscal year. 3.The travel accounts can have differences every accounting period. The approval process creates a time lag between budget checking and posting in the GL; therefore, the accounting periods do not match. 18
Q5. How do I find the cash balance differences between Commitment Control and the General Ledger in SMART? A5. A very thorough, step-by-step resource can be found on the SMART Web website at Announcements > Module of the Month > Commitment Control – Identifying Differences Between the Cash Control Balances and the General Ledger Cash Balances 19
Month End Checklist Queries, Reports, and Inquiry Pages And other useful Inquiry pages 20
Two of us named Linda Shaver at the Department of Administration is myself – SMART Team, Projects and Grants Analyst Proper Name is Linda H. Shaver CGFM The other is Linda S. Shaver – in Procurement 21
Month End Checklist Queries On the left hand buttons below the “Welcome” is a button for the Month End Checklist 22
23 Month End Checklist
24 Month End Checklist Queries - AR KS_INTRFNDS_APPR_NOT_POSTED Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer The query will return results for either side (deposit or voucher) to which your agency is a party, and at least one of the following is true: – Voucher is not posted – Payment is not posted – Deposit is not posted
25 Month End Checklist Queries - AR KS_APAR_PENDING_INTRFNDS Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer Another interfund query that is available and shows interfunds for your agency (both Initiated and Reciprocating) that are attached to a Deposit ID or Voucher ID and are pending approval/action. You will want to run this before year end!
26 Month End Checklist Queries - AP UNPROCESSED_EXPENSE_REPORTS Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer Query returns all unprocessed Expense Reports sorted by Report Status and Report ID Users will enter a date range based upon when the Expense Report was created For year end, you may want to use a date range of the entire year, or run several queries using different day ranges to cover the year. Job Aids for resolving issues on SMART Web
27 Month End Checklist Queries - AP UNPROCESSED_TRAVEL_AUTHS Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer The query returns all unprocessed Travel Authorizations sorted by TA Status, Travel From Date and Travel Auth ID. Note** Travel Authorizations with a valid budget status are encumbering funds. Job Aid (SMART Web > Training > Travel & Expense > T & E Job Aids > Canceling Travel Authorizations )
28 Month End Checklist Queries - AP UNPROCESSED_VOUCHERS Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer The query returns all Vouchers that have not fully processed in the system sorted by Voucher ID Keep in mind that if the agency is not looking at these three (3) queries, at some point the SMART Team will be. SMART Web > Training > Accounts Payable > Vouchers has some excellent Job Aids
29 Month End Checklist Queries – AM KS_AM_VCHRS_WITH_54XXXX_ACCT Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer Navigation: Asset Management > Financial Report > Asset Inventory List This query displays a list of all vouchers within a specified date range with 54xxxx account codes. It will help agencies validate all assets have been added to the Asset Management module in SMART. This can be used to compare to the Asset Inventory List
30 Month End Checklist Queries – GL Navigation to: Reporting Tools> Query> Query Viewer KS_GL_JOURNALS_ERRORS – GL journals with edit errors KS_GL_JOURNALS_BUDGET_ERROR – GL journals with budget checking errors. Job Aids available on SMART Web
31 Month End Checklist Queries – PO KS_PO_CLOSED_PO Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer The PO Close monthly process runs on the Saturday following the first work day of the new month. This query will provide a list of POs that were closed during the PO Close monthly process. Plan accordingly!
32 Month End Checklist Queries – PO KS_PO_MAY_CLOSE Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer > KS_PO_MAY_CLOSE This report will provide a list of POs that may close during the next PO Close monthly process. The PO Close monthly process runs on the Saturday following the first work day of the new month. Agencies are encouraged to run this report prior to the PO Close monthly processes running.
33 KPO00008 KS Req-PO Budgetary Activity Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Reports > KS PO Budgetary Activity
34 Caveats Use the “Number Operand” of > combined with the pre-defined limit amount or 0.00 to find any purchase orders with Remaining Amounts greater than 0.00 The more “Chartfield Options”, the more you limit your search criteria If you want to “slice and dice” the data, be sure to select the “CSV” on the Process Scheduler Request Click “Save” before running the report
36 Results For this particular BU, my results were over 2,000 rows, but noticed that my Chartfield Options are on a second line This is a page break issue and is on the radar of the SMART Team. When the time becomes available, this will resolved. Developer and Analyst time constraints are limiting resolution of this issue. What can you do for Year End? My results looked something like this:
37 Results – Cont’d
38 Results – Cont’d Detailed instructions are posted on SMART Web, but using an “IF” formula, within 11 minutes the report was ready for use rows of data, sorted, totaled, formatted, and ready for use. This report gives you the vendor name, original PO amount, Liquidated Amount, Remaining Amount, and Vouchered Amount to be able to determine liquidation or possible further encumbrances
39 KPO00008 KS Req-PO Budgetary Activity Scroll down the page to heading Procurement Queries/Reports How To Run and Format KPO00008 (KS Budgetary Activity Report) Formatting begins with Step 9
41 Month End Checklist Queries – PO KS_PO_PCARD_STATUS Navigation: Reporting Tools> Query > Query Viewer > Monthly statement cycle, run the report by entering the Billing Date as the day after the billing cycle closes for each month. Agencies are not limited to using only the statement date; this report can be run at any time with any date. Report provides a list of transactions in the following statuses: Staged, Validated, Approved. More information is available in the PO Month End Checklist
42 KPO00007 Current Obligations Status Report Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Reports > Current Obligations Chartfield Sort Options include: – Account – Bud Unit – Dept – Fund – Program – Project – Several Others
43 KPO00007 Current Obligations Status Report
44 KPO00007 Current Obligations Status Report Similar to the STARS 8070 report on Encumbrances, but give you more information and can be run to CSV.
45 Ledger Inquiry Navigation Path: General Ledger > Review Financial Information > Ledger
46 Ledger Inquiry
47 Ledger Inquiry Enter BU and Ledger to make the Chartfield Criteria available. Fiscal Year, From Period, and To Period - All required. This inquiry will only return 300 ledger rows May also limit with the following: – Account – Department – Fund – Project – Several others
48 Ledger Inquiry Accounting Rules of the system determine how transactions are processed. This inquiry is useful in determining how those transactions hit GL. Results will be returned and should look similar to the what is depicted on our next slide:
50 Ledger Inquiry Notice the links to the source data and links back to Inquiry Page. Caution - once you click on a source data link, navigation takes you away from the inquiry, causing the need to rerun the inquiry.
51 General Ledger Reports Expenditures Report - KGL00012 Navigation: General Ledger > General Reports > Expenditures Report – very similar to the STARS 8360 Report with Sub-totals for Expenditure Classification Accounts
53 General Ledger Reports – cont’d Trial Balance By Fund – KGL00005 Navigation: General Ledger > General Reports > Trial Balance by Fund Can be run in several different formats
55 Project Costing Manager Transaction Review Inquiry Page in Project Costing Navigation: Project Costing > Interactive Reports > Manager Transaction Review Project BU and Project are required fields Narrow further by Accounting Date/Transaction Date From and Through May also limit by Analysis Type, Source Type, Employee ID, which are the most helpful
56 Manager Transaction Review
57 Manager Transaction Review
58 Manager Transaction Review Excellent place to view the status of a transaction or the total transactions associated with a project. SMART Team has not tested the “Adjust” functionality at this time and should not be used. The job aid for using the Manager Transaction Review is Billing Worksheet and Travel & Expense Cost, found under the Module of the Month on SMART Web.
59 Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer (unless noted) AR KS_INTRFNDS_APPR_NOT_POSTED KS_APAR_PENDING_INTRFNDS AP UNPROCESSED_EXPENSE_REPORTS UNPROCESSED_TRAVEL_AUTHS UNPROCESSED_VOUCHERS AM KS_AM_VCHRS_WITH_54XXXX_ACCT Asset Inventory List Navigation: Asset Management > Financial Report > Asset Inventory List
60 Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer (unless noted) GL KS_GL_JOURNALS_ERRORS KS_GL_JOURNALS_BUDGET_ERROR PO KS_PO_CLOSED_PO KS_PO_MAY_CLOSE KS Req-PO Budgetary Activity Navigation: Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Reports > KS PO Budgetary Activity KS_PO_PCARD_STATUS
61 Other Inquiry Pages Ledger Inquiry Navigation Path: General Ledger > Review Financial Information > Ledger Expenditures Report Navigation: General Ledger > General Reports > Expenditures Report Trial Balance By Fund Navigation: General Ledger > General Reports > Trial Balance by Fund Manager Transaction Review (PC) Navigation: Project Costing > Interactive Reports > Manager Transaction Review
62 Closing Please be aware that your agency must be running these reports, weekly during May, and even more often during June. As fiscal year end comes closer and SMART is closed to agencies, if you do not have these items cleaned up, the SMART Team will attempt to get agency input on how to proceed. But, if no one is available, doesn’t answer , phone, etc., The SMART Team has to proceed. The agencies are responsible for any cleanup before the system closes to users, Friday, June 26, 2015, 6:00 PM!
Clean Address How does it affect the vendor process? 63
Start the Same as Always 64
The address tab is the only one affected. 65
Street and Zip are all that is needed. 66
Clean Address auto-fills the complete address. 67
You will get a warning and suggestions. 68
Clean Address will even give you the address range for that street. 69
Warnings are specific to the problem. 70
Remember- job aids are always available Updates will be made as changes go live Please let us know if additional job aids are needed Reminder- Use Current Forms- TM21, DA6, DA7… which are located on the website. DA130 is available by request. 71
If you have questions at any time, please submit your question to the SMART Team through the Service Desk (also known as ManageEngine). 72