KIA/NTI Meadowbank Project Review r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q5FkNK5 g1z=4f5 xS6t8N6gu WoExaizk5 euDi6
Meadowbank gold project KivIA and NTI Statement of support: KivIA and NTI encourage and support responsible mining development that protects the environment and respects traditional lifestyles KivIA and NTI will support this project if developed in an environmentally responsible manner r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q5 x7m kNK5 g1z=4f5 scsyE/q5 wvJ6gwi6j5: rx`w4f5 x7m kNK5 g1z=4f5 x/sEK5 x7m wvJ6gw2lt4 s/C1ix6goEi6 W?9oxizk5 b2fxl nS8ixExcC2tA5 x?tK5 x7m sWQ/s/Exc3m5 wodyK5 w`k8Nhx3iK9l r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q5 x7m kNK5 g1z=4f5 wvJ6gwic3ix6S5 bm4fiz5 W?9oxisix6gi5 bm8N vmQ/s5yx3ixhz3X5 xgx6bsd/K5 WoExaix6iq8i5
KivIA Mandate KivIA is the regional Inuit association (RIA) responsible for the implementation of those parts of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA) assigned to it by NTI r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q5 kNo[Jx3k5 vg0pct`QdtQ/sK6 Gx=4g6ymJ5 wMQ/scbs2lt4 vg0pct`Q8i5HvmQ/c3Lt4 wi9M4n6bsJk5 kNK5 wlxi xgx3LQ5 kNK5 kNK`bDbsJ5 xqDtq5 bm4fx xe4bsym2lt4 kNK5 g1z=4f8k5
KivIA Responsibilities Article 19- Title To Inuit Owned Land Article 20- Inuit Water Rights Article 21- Entry And Access Article 26 – Inuit Impact And Benefit Agreements _ bw/siq5 wkw5 N1ui6 kNdtq5 – wkw5 wmdtqk5 WJ1Ns`t5 _ wtD`t5 x7m wtD1Ns`t5 _ wkw5 x4g6bsiq8k5 x7m W`?9ost4nq8k5 xqD`t5
NTI Mandate Private corporation established to ensure promises made in the NLCA are carried out w1uA5 fxXEnsJ5 net5y/Exc3g5 hoJ4f5 ho5yx3lt4 xe4bsymJ5 kNK5 kNK`bDbsJ5 xqDtq5 xe4bsymiq5 mo4bs2lt4 xgx6bs5yx3lt4
NTI Responsibility Ensure all obligations identified in Articles in the NLCA are met bm4fx mo4bsJ4nl4`b5 g`C6bsix6gk5 NlNw6bsymJk5 w`M4f5 mo4LQ5 kNK5 kNK`bD`t5 xqDtq8i5 xgx6bs5yxClx3m`zb bm6u4
Major outstanding issue in Meadowbank FEIS Water quality and water treatment effectiveness of the “in pond” and “chemical/physical” water treatment methods proposed to treat ammonia, cyanide decomposition chemicals, metals, acidity, nitrogen and phosphorous have not been fully examinedThe effectiveness of the “in pond” and “chemical/physical” water treatment methods proposed to treat ammonia, cyanide decomposition chemicals, metals, acidity, nitrogen and phosphorous have not been fully examined wms2 xqiz x7m wms2 nlm6n3bsiz ckw5`g1iz b2fNi byC`M8i x7ml “xg6bs`h5 bm4fx nl7m6ns`t5, x`j8ix, nwNw5 n=4n/3k5 x7m xyD`l/q5 ho bm6u4 cspn6bs9M5`b6ymqmb bm8N s0pE/six3S6
Major outstanding issue in Meadowbank FEIS (Continue) Recommendation: Proponent must commit to developing treatment technology specific to Meadowbank waste waters –This will be best achieved after operations start and on “actual” waste water produced by the Meadowbank mill operation whmQ/symJ5 bm4fx whmQ/s5yxExc3g5 W?9oxisJ5 nlm6nwi6j5 xS6t8`N6gu wmw5 xg6bsJ`m3iq8k5 –bm8N wLx`Maix3Li WQxD`b8i x7ml xg6bso3t5lQ5 b2fkz s/C1ix6isix6gk5 bwvi xS6t8N6gu xs`Mo3t5lA
Minor issues in Meadowbank FEIS Tailings Pit dike design Tailings and waste rock areas design In-pit disposal of waste rock Road transportation ARD/ML in waste rock kinetic testing and water quality predictions Lake de-watering sedimentation control f=6`b3`=5 wl5g6ymix6g6 ckw5`g8ix3iz f=3b6`=5 x7m s/Cw5 woscw=six6iq8k5 ckw5`g8ix3m`z5 x4b`f3`=5 wQ5b3=six6g5 s/ck5 x2d`t5 wqC=six6g5 sb6t5t0J`t5 f=3b6bsJ5 cspnDbsJ5 x7m wmw5 xqiqk5 NlNw6y0J`t5 b`y5 wu6g6bsv8i3iq8k5 xsM4vw0J`t5
Minor issues in Meadowbank FEIS Marine environment Climate change and permafrost Abandonment & closure wm6usb5 x?tq5 yM xy9o6izk5 x7m kNs2 x`b8i dxaiz em4bsux3iz x7m s4fx6bsiz
Clarification of minor issues, technical memorandums Response to KivIA final submission- March 23, 2006 Memo – climate change- March 22, 2006 Additional responses to requests by KivIA- March 10, 2006 Response to request by KivIA – March 08, 2006 Response to request by KivIA - March 06, 2006 Response to request by KivIA - March 03, 2006 rs0JbsJ5 b2fkz r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q4f8k5 ra9o3`X6ys5 netbsiz ttc6 – W0JtQ2lA yMs2 xy9o3izk5_ wMQxD`t5 rs0JbsJ5 g4yCsbsMs6gk5 r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q4f8k5 _ `m0p rs0JbsJ5 g4yC6bsJk5 r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q4f8k5 _ `m0p rs0JbsJ5 g4yC6bsJk5 r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q4f8k5 _ `m0p rs0JbsJ5 g4yC6bsJk5 r?9o3u wkw5 vg0pct`Q4f8k5 _ `m0p
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Tailings issue If the proposed tailings discharge density of 50.8% solids by weight is not attained there could be a decreased mill metallurgical performance and an increased use of fresh water Resolution Proponent has agreed to monitor mill metallurgical performance and fresh water usage during mill operations The Intervener Agrees With This Approach f=3b3=six6gk5 wh`ml`t5 b7N g4yC3bsymJ6 f=3b6=sJ`m6g6 szbs5t4X5 %).* _S3n8u wm8Nwogw8NExc3S6 hngw8NZMw5 neX9oxlt4 x7m wm6u4 xg6isix6g6 xqi6nsov8igw8NExc3S6 WdpK`zD5 B2fx WoEix6g5 xqct`Q4S5 cspnw5yx3ix6i6u5 W?9oxizk5 x7m wm5yx?4 xg6bsizk5 b2fx xsM3iq8i5. bm6u4 WoEct`Q8ix6g5 xqct`Q4S5 bmgjz ckwosDbsix6gk5
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Pit Dike Design Issue More details on the actual proposed construction needs to be presented Resolution Proponent will complete a “gap” analysis prior to detailed engineering design to identify any data, design or construction schedule deficiencies that may exist. Any deficiencies will be addressed by implementing the appropriate design and schedule changes required The Intervener Agrees With This Approach wl5g6ymJ6 ckw5`g8ix3izk5 ttCs/3ymizk5 wh`ml`t5 NlNw6ym5yx3i6nsJi5 WbcExc3ix6g6 g4yCsbsymJj5 nN/sJ`m3izk5 bmguz5 net5yv8iEx`o5 WdpKzD`t5 WoEct`Q8ix6g5 Wxi4yymlt4 NlNw/sti5 NlNw6ymi6j5 ckw`5g8ix3iq8k5 bm4fx xg3bsixiq8k5. wLxqosbsJc3i6X5 xeQx6bsvs6g3ix3Lt4 wi9M4tE?9oxt5lQ5 bm4fx`l8i5 xy9oExc3Xb WQx6bsvstQix6g5. WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Tailings And Waste Rock Areas Design Issue The possibility of long term thaw conditions should be considered in the design of the tailings and waste rock areas Resolution The proponent has committed to an adaptive management plan that includes alternative strategies for waste management. the following should be addressed during the detailed design phase of the project: The tailings facility design must demonstrate the ability to perform adequately in a thicker active layer Determine the optimum cover design that will maintain the tailings in a saturated state, while minimizing evaporation and erosion Determine the optimum cover design and rock placement to minimize erosion and ML/ARD f=3b6`=5 x7m s/c5 xg6bsixq5g5 ckwbsix3iq5b ttC3ymiq8k5 wh`mlbsJ5: wm8Nw5`g8ix3iq5 xfisJj5 xso3i6X5 ckwosDt4nq5 x7m whmQ/si4nq5 ttC3bsymJ5 bm4fkz g``CzJ5 WdpK`zD`t5 b2fx WoEix6iC3ymJ5 wm8NwoymK5 xsM5y5yx3ixiC3ym2lt4 bm4fiz5 ckwosDt4nsJk5 bm4fx mo4bsJ4n5 vmQ/s5yxExc3S5 Wix3iE/sJ5 WoExat5lQ5 bm8N f=3b3=six6g6 ttC3bsymiz xg6bs5yxExc3S6 dx6tbs5bwo5yx3lil. `cEix6bq5 ttC3bsymiq5 vmQ/s5yx3ix6S5, yx7m4bwotbslil x7m ckDlgw8N6 WQx6bsdNA yM`b8kux6 `cEix6bz ttCs/6bsymiz xgx6bs5yxExc3ixEK6 yxmdNAbs6 x7m ckwv9MdNA WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5 THE INTERVENOR AGREES WITH THIS APPROACH
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS In-pit Disposal Of Waste Rock Issue Maximize the disposal of potentially acid-generating waste rock into the portage and goose open pits Resolution Proponent has committed to developing an adaptive waste management plan to address this issue The Intervener Agrees With This Approach wl5g6ymJu wc5bw=six6gk5 wh`ml`t5 bb5bwomlQ5 x4b`f3=six6g5 bm4fkz sb6t5t0J`t5 f=3b6bsJ5 bwfz s4fw6ymJk5 wl5g6ymJk5 WdpJ`zD`t5 WoEix6g5 Wix6iC3ymK5 net5yi6u5 bm4fkz x4b6=six6gk5 xsM5y`p5 X3Nstq8k5 bm4fx WQx6bsix3iq5b X3NsbsJ5 vmQ/sd2lA bm4fx wh`mlbsJ5 WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Road Transportation Issue More detail required on the baseline studies completed to date, the work to be completed during 2006 and the long term monitoring plan Resolution As long as the proponent completes the planned 2006 baseline work and implements the long term monitoring plan, the impact of the current road design is manageable The Intervener Agrees With This Approach xd`t5 wqC{=six6g5 wh`ml`t5 bm4fx ttC3ymJ5 wm8Nw5bExc3S5 cspn6bs5yx3lt4 Wxi4bsym5yx3lt4 s2luj5 trymJk5 Wxi4bsli x7m xfisJj5 cspn6bsic5yx3li X3Nstzk5 WdpK`zD5 b2fx WoEix6g5 Wxi4yJ1N6ymgx3Xb WoExaix6bsymJi5 wi9M4t6bsJk5 cspnwi6j5 X3Ns`t5, x4g6bsix6izk5 x2d5 xsMbsJ1Nhz6X5 ckw8il4`bq5 xsMbsi4nl4`bq8k5 WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) And Metal Leaching (ML) In Waste Rock monitoring, testing and water quality prediction issue existing and new data should be used to predict future water quality for additional scenarios Resolution Proponent has committed to additional modeling during the detailed engineering stage New data to be obtained “in early days of operation” will be useful to confirm assumptions The Intervener Agrees With This Approach sb6t5t0J`t5 f=3b6bsJ5 x7m n=4n/3k5 b2fNi s/ci xg6bsixqgi5 cspnwi6, bfN6i6 x7m wm6 xqiz ckwizb u4n8k5 xg6bsJ5 x7m k`baJ5 ttC3bsymJ5 cEbs/4f5 NlNw6y0Jbsc5b6ix6S5 yKi4n3u wm6k5 ckw2X9oxiq8k5 WdpK`zD`t5 WoEix6g5 Wix6iC3ymK5 wMQxDti5 xe4hwi6j5 WoE?9oxiq8i5 k`baJ5 cspm0J`t5 cEbs/4f5 NlNw6y`J9lx3ix6S5 xg6bslt4 NlNw6y0Jbsix3lt4 ckwosDbs?9oxJk5 WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Lake De-watering Sedimentation Control Issue There is currently no information on the lake bottom materials susceptibility to producing high TSS concentration during lake de-watering Resolution The proponent has committed to conduct sampling and analyses to determine the lake bottom material susceptibility to producing high TSS concentration during lake de- watering The proponent has committed to developing a mitigation strategy if needed by6 w7u6g6bsv8i3iz WoExaix3izk5 wh`mlbsN/3g5 ` m8NsJ6 gnDtbcqg6 b`ys2 x`b8i hNDl/cEx4nq8i5 bm8N by6 w7u6g6bsv8i3i4nzk5 WdpKzD5 b2fx WoEix6g5 Wix6iC3ymK5 cspn3bsJ4n6i5 tAyc5b3ix6lt4 bys2 x`b8iz3gi5 Wbcoqvlx3m`zb hNgw8N3i5 slExN6gi5 WoExc3X9oxt5lq5 w7u6gwi3u1i5 WoEix6g5 b2fx Wix3iEym/q8i5 sc3ymK5 W?9oxt5yi6j5 WbcExc3i6X5 W/Exc3Xb`l8i5 The Intervener Agrees With This Approach WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5
MINOR ISSUES IN MEADOWBANK FEIS Marine Environment Issue The responsibility for and scale of the shipping and marine plan has not been determined –The impacts on the marine environment cannot be properly assessed Resolution The proponent has indicated that several marine shipping companies would be capable of safely navigating through chesterfield inlet and into Baker Lake with 5,000 dwt. to 10,000 dwt. Barges Once the proponent selects a marine shipping company a marine plan documenting the impacts, mitigation and monitoring of the marine environment will be completed The Intervener Agrees With This Approach wm6usb3k5 x?tq8k5 wh`ml`t5 bm4fx vmQ/six6g5 x[/3gwi6j5 x7m bEs4f5 X3Ns`t5 ho `m8Nj5 trLA NlNw6bs`C8i4ymqg5 _ x4gwisix6g5 wm3j5 x?tzk5 scsys`C8iA1Nq5g5 x4gwiE/six6iq5 WdpK`zD`t5 WoEix6g5 sc6ymK5 NlNw6y2lt4 bm4fx sux3Jx5 x=/6g6tsix3g5 v7XisJ5 sc3ym1mb WJ1N3iC3ym2lt4 w[lo`Z3J4f5 w`v3lt4 b[Kz cmi5gx3j5 sdmw8i1i5 sylt4 b`m8i %,))) sKz !),))). Yvs4f5 bwmo NlNw6y`m8iogx3Xb Noq8i5 v7XisJi5 xg6ix3bq8i5 x=/3g6tsix6gi5 bwmo NlNw6ymJu5 cspnDbsix6gi5 Wxi5yx3ymJi5 ttci5 cw5yQxD`m6ymK5. WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Climate Change And Permafrost Issue A higher rate of climate change could have a negative effect on the current closure plan for the tailings and waste rock, as permafrost may not develop and encapsulate the tailings and waste rock as called for in the current closure plan Resolution The intervener agrees with the proponents commitment to an adaptive management plan that includes alternative strategies for waste management. The intervener recommends that the tailings and waste rock disposal area designs to be assessed during the detailed engineering stage should address the scenario of unfrozen conditions yMs2 xy9o6X9oxiz x7m kN2 x`b8i dxymJ6 wh`mlbsiq5 bm8N W?9oxgw8N6m5 yMs2 xy9o3X9oxiz bm8N x4gwicgw8NExo4 s4fxD`m6X9oxiz tr9lA bm8N kNs2 wlxi dx6ymJ6 dx6ymw8N0`/dq8izk5 bwmwozogw8NExc3m5 WdpK`zD5 b2fx WoEix6g5 xqDtc3ymK5 WoEix6iEym/q5 xsM5yi6j5 XC3Ns`t5 ckwosDt4nsix6gk5 X3NsbsJk5 g`CzJ5 xsM5yi6j5 b2fx WoEix6g5 wm8Nw5gu5 net5yJmymK5 xe4ylt4 NlNwfbsix6gu5 ck6 bm8N dxD1Nwo`v9M4X5 X3Nst4nq8k5 ckwosDt4n6k5 Wym?Q3ix6mb
Minor Issues In Meadowbank FEIS Abandonment & Closure Issue The sequence of activities during abandonment and closure needs to be clarified and better documented Resolution The proponent has committed to provide greater detail on this issue as part of the water license application and during design of an Environmental Management System (EMS) The Intervener Agrees With This Approach emw8N6bsiz x7m s4fw6bsizk5 wh`mlbsJ5 WoExaJk5 W?9oxisJk5 emw8N6bst5lA x7m s4fx6bsymo3t5lA NlNw6bs5yxExc3ix6g5 x7m ttC6bs5yx3li ckw3il4`bq5 bm6u4. WdpK`zD5: WoEix6g5 Wix6iC3ymK5 net5yi6u5 bm4fiz5 wh`mlbs?4gi5 wMQ/scbsJk5 wm6j5 Mwnk5 g4yCsbsJk5 x7ml WoE?9oxiq8k5 NlNw6bsJk5 x?toEi6j5 xsM5ypsJ5 ckwosDbsJk5 WoEct`Q9x6g5 bmguz5 xqct`QAtc3S5 bm4fx W?9oxiq8i5