The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H323A However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Professional Development to Practice Embedding Feedback Data into Your Professional Development SPDG National Meeting, March 2013 Ronda Jenson (UMKC,SPDG Implementation Consultant) Pattie Noonan & Amy Gaumer Erickson (KU, Evaluators) Pam Williams & Ginger Henry (Missouri Dept of Elementary Secondary Education)
Professional Development to Practice Mini-Presentation Overview Current Reality— Missouri Statewide System of Support Collaborative Work Moving Forward— Conceptualizing High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) Early implementation stages: Plans, tools, & steps taken
Professional Development to Practice 2 Learner Objectives To describe one approach to conceptualizing HQPD To describe one approach to implementing HQPD at the early implementation stages
Professional Development to Practice Current Reality Statewide System of Support 9 Regional Professional Development Centers Collaborative Work 248 of buildings in 105 of districts Foci Effective Instructional Practices Collaborative Teams Data-based Decision-making Common Formative Assessments CONTEXT
Professional Development to Practice Collaborative Work: How it will be done Effective Teaching and Learning Practices Common Formative AssessmentsData-Based Decision -making Collaborative Data Teams help each other learn to select and use effective teaching and learning practices which are intentionally used to improve student outcomes Collaborative Data Teams use common formative assessments to monitor the value of the teaching and learning strategies and of student acquisition of knowledge and skills Collaborative data teams collectively analyze data to determine who needs more help and what practices are most likely to work for re-teaching. Re-testing validates their decisions.
Professional Development to Practice Collaborative Work Process
Professional Development to Practice By the numbers… Total Districts = 105 (20%) of Missouri Districts Total Buildings248 High School9 Middle School26 Elementary213 Total Teachers8993 General7517 Spec. Ed.1297 Ancillary179 Total Enrollment109900SWD15077 As of February 28, 2013
Professional Development to Practice Moving Forward with HQPD High Quality Professional Development (HQPD) yields a direct impact on teacher practice for improved student outcomes.
Professional Development to Practice What does HQPD look like? Has defined learner objectives Aligns with school goals, state and district standards and assessment, and other professional learning activities including formative teacher evaluation. Builds shared vocabulary and common goals required to sustain instructional improvements through rigorous feedback. Focuses on core content and modeling teaching strategies of the content Has structure with well thought out delivery Makes efficient use of time MO Synthesis
Professional Development to Practice What does HQPD look like? Has a purposeful design to be ongoing and to include guided practice and learning in the teaching environment Utilizes adult learning principles Systematically and continually evaluated for impact on increased knowledge and skills Includes opportunities to practice and/or rehearse new skills Includes opportunities for teachers to share and reflect on learning Embedded and continuous feedback in the form of technical assistance and resources for ongoing improvement Includes coaching to improve fidelity of implementation MO Synthesis
Professional Development to Practice How will we know if HQPD is occurring? Pre and post event assessment of knowledge Formative and summative assessment of participant knowledge and skills Adherence to standards of high quality professional development (fidelity) Fidelity of learned teaching practice Measurable impact on student learning MO Synthesis
Professional Development to Practice PD2Practice: Revitalizing the System Adult learning principles Fidelity of training delivered Matching the need with a balance of training, coaching, & technical assistance Assessment of adult learning
Professional Development to Practice PD2Practice: Learning Packages Selected high effect size instructional practices* Spaced vs massed instruction Reciprocal teaching Student self-report grades Feedback Foundations Focus AreasEffective Instructional Practices Collaborative Data Team Data- based Decision- making Common Formative Assessment Internal Coaching Alignment Support *Hattie (2009)
Professional Development to Practice HQPD Tools & Support HQPD structure for learning packages Online collaborative workspace Observation Checklist for HQPD training Pre/Post assessment guidance Coaching at multiple levels Regional Implementation Coaches Building-level internal coaching
Professional Development to Practice HQPD Structure 1.Preparation 2.Opening & introductions 3.Why the topic is important 4.Overview of the topic 5.Unpacking the topic 6.Topic in practice 7.Topic in action 8.Assessment & reflection 9.Closing & follow-up
Professional Development to Practice Online Collaborative Workspace 18 groups 255 participants
Professional Development to Practice Observation Checklist for HQPD Training 21 Item Checklist Preparation Introduction Demonstration Engagement Evaluation Mastery
Professional Development to Practice Pre/Post Test Guidance Checklist
Professional Development to Practice MO SPDG Implementation Coaches 9 Regional Implementations Coaches work closely with Regional Professional Centers to… “support both intervention and implementation fidelity. Implementation fidelity refers to the degree to which high quality professional development is delivered as intended and has the effect of promoting adoption and usage of evidence-based instructional practices. Intervention fidelity refers to the degree to which educators apply the evidence- based instructional practices to their teaching as intended.”
Professional Development to Practice Building-level Internal Coaching Are building-level educators who demonstrate fluency in the instructional practice necessary for modeling and describing the practice in daily teaching. Possess critical skills for effective instructive interactions with colleagues Are fluent in using implementation measures to monitor progress toward fluency
Professional Development to Practice Lessons Learned Thus Far… Teams are critical/ Leadership is even more critical HQPD mindset does not equal HQPD practice Measuring fidelity and assessment of learning can be uncomfortable, but yet so highly valuable Typical methods of formative assessment during PD often misses the mark