Create a “folder” called CT_summit_presentation or CT_capstone on your thumb/flash drive or desktop. It is best to save in at least 2 places. In this folder place your PowerPoint and your documents/artifacts you are going to use. These will be your working folders. When completed, you will post this on your website.
Be sure to save documents as html/web documents so they will open up immediately.
DESIGNING YOUR PRESENTATION You are free to design your layout of slides and how they look aesthetically. Remember, as you are presenting, everyone should be able to see each artifact and slide clearly. Also remember that you do not want movements and sounds that are not tied to the presentation. Example: Don’t make your words come in with a whoosh, etc.
Elva J. Brown Candidate Teaching Summit Presentation Website "Teachers are artists whose canvas are students." -Joseph Chubby
PART I. INTRODUCTION: Description Of Self And Placement Approximately 2 Minutes
Elva J. Brown MAT Early Childhood Education Ford Elementary School Fourth Grade Mrs. Bram Micklow and Mrs. Heather Fritts All Subjects
School, Size, Location, Description of Community Ford Elementary School Acworth, GA Nestled in a…………………..
Class, Size, Diversity of Students, 29 students 8 Target (above average) 8 Special needs
Schedule Mrs. Micklow’s Fourth Grade Daily Schedule 7:15 – 7:40Reading Pit Stop 7:40 – 8:15Morning Work: (Mt. Math, Mt. Language, RAP) 8:15 – 8:45Shared Reading 8:45 – 9:45 Guided Reading 9:45 – 10:15Writing & Skills (Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Spelling) 10:15 – 11:00Specials (PE, Music, Art, & Writing Lab) 11:00 – 11:39Shared Math 11:39 – 12:09Lunch 12:09 – 12:50Guided Math 12:50 – 1:10 Recess 1:10 – 2:00Social Studies/Science/Health
Thoughts and Feelings, Fears, Strengths and Weaknesses as you began Candidate Teaching. Excited Fears: Math Weaknesses:
PART II. CANDIDATE PROFICIENCY EVIDENCE: Documentation of Competency Approximately 15 Minutes
DOMAIN I: PLANNING FOR DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency 1.0: The teacher candidate uses knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to same essential content. Reflective Analysis: How did you use knowledge of curriculum, learner differences, and ongoing assessment data to plan for student access to same essential content?
REQUIRED ARTIFACTS: _R_ At least three lesson plans or a unit plan (At least one must be a READING lesson.) Becoming A Word Wizard The Making of America Our Solar System Put my lessons in the CT presentation folder Open up lesson plan after placing it in the CT folder as a word document Double click Save As File name: save as the title you’ll have in your presentation without spaces Save As: Drop down menu “Type”- Web page Make sure you’re in the ct folder (Look at left menu to check) Place in the CT instruction folder Domain 2 Hit SAVE Then click on your lesson plan title/ highlight/ right click and hyperlink it Go into domain 2 Click on the link with the web looking “e” web page document Click okay SAVE [List the names of your lesson plans or the name of your unit plan and attach. (remember to place all documents saved as html in your folder, then link)]
Other Artifacts Candidates Might Include: ____Pre-Assessment Activities Ex. First Science Assessment ____Student Inventories ____Student Interviews (You may create these as separate slides or attach documents to these links.)
DOMAIN II: PROVIDING DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency 2.0: The teacher candidate utilizes a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment. For differentiation, you have to tell (how) that you have utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment (tiered activities, Reflective Analysis: How did (I) you utilize a variety of strategies to differentiate instruction and assessment?
REQUIRED ARTIFACTS: At least three of the following artifact possibilities _R _ Various Assessment Activities (webquest, tec.) ____Performance-Based Tasks ____Rubrics ____Activities that integrate technology ____WebQuests ____Videos and Photographs ____Room Diagram ____Links to websites utilized ____Student work ____Classroom Management System (You may create these as separate slides or attach documents to these links.)
DOMAIN III: IMPACTING STUDENT LEARNING (How did I use my results to guide my instruction? ) What did I do with each level academically based on the results? Proficiency 3.0: The teacher candidate uses systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction. Reflective Analysis: How did you use systematic formal/informal assessment as an ongoing diagnostic activity to measure student growth and to guide, differentiate, and adjust instruction?
REQUIRED ARTIFACTS: Artifact Possibilities _R _ An example of one lesson, reflection, or use of assessment results to adjust instruction _R_ Completed Assessment Tools (Anecdotal Records, Rubrics, Checklists, Observation Reports, Analyses of Student Learning, etc.) ____Impact on Student Learning Reflections, evidence of use of assessment results, adjusted lesson plan(s) Proof of the asssessment (You may create these as separate slides or attach documents to these links.)
DOMAIN IV: PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES IN SUPPORT OF DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION & ASSESSMENT Proficiency 4.0: The teacher candidate displays a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support students’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning. Reflective Analysis: How did you display a professional commitment to the teaching philosophy of differentiated instruction to support student’ diverse learning needs and to maximize learning? How has your teaching philosophy changed during Candidate Teaching?
REQUIRED ARTIFACTS: Artifact Possibilities _R List of Professional Development Activities (In-Services, Conferences: provide documentation) _RProfessional Organization Memberships _RTeaching Philosophy at the conclusion of candidate teaching as contrasted with an earlier philosophy (show the before and after) ___Evaluations from College Supervisors, Collaborating Teachers ___Communication and Letters to and from Parents ___Lists of school meetings attended (PTA, SST, Parent Conferences, etc.) ___Self-Assessments ___Candidate may choose to describe an ethical dilemma he/she encountered in Candidate Teaching and the decision-making process that he/she or another went through in order to resolve this dilemma. ___Candidate may also choose to describe how participation in meetings, in- services, and professional development activities affected his/her teaching philosophy. (You may create these as separate slides or attach documents to these links.)
Philosophy of Education Change (Show How my beliefs changed) Venn Diagram Graphic organizer Chart Philosophy ThenPhilosophy Now Philosophy NowThen
Artifact Possibilities Your selections: ____Evaluations from College Supervisors, Collaborating Teachers ____Communication and Letters to and from Parents ____Lists of school meetings attended (PTA, SST, Parent Conferences, etc.) ____Self-Assessments ____Candidate may choose to describe an ethical dilemma he/she encountered in Candidate Teaching and the decision-making process that he/she or another went through in order to resolve this dilemma. ____Candidate may also choose to describe how participation in meetings, in-services, and professional development activities affected his/her teaching philosophy. (You may create these as separate slides or attach documents to these links.)
PART III. CONCLUSION: Mat Candidate Teaching Experience Approximately 3 Minutes
REQUIRED ARTIFACTS: Artifact Possibilities R Continuing Plan to Develop as a Professional Educator (Future professional development plans) ____Future Challenges as a Teacher ____Differences between being a Candidate Teacher and a First-year Teacher ____Advice to Future Candidate Teachers (You may create these as separate slides or attach documents to these links.)
Schedule Saving your files as web pages Linking your files to your portfolio Save your powerpoint as a presentation and as a web page. Drop presentation and web presentation into your website. Philosophy-be sure you show your growth from your original philosophy and now. Example: You may have set up rules for your students to follow and later decided they needed to be a part of setting up the rules. You may have had 10 original rules and now you narrow them down to 3 that cover all 10. Example 2: You may have written lesson plans without differentiation and now you see the importance of the differentiation in class management and in terms of the students actually being able to do or wanting to do the lesson.