Review of June Agricultural Census of Minor Holdings Adam Krawczyk Rural & Environment Analytical Services Scottish Government 17 th November 2009
Minor Holding Definition (2000) In order to be classified as a minor holding, a holding must satisfy the following conditions: Area of land < 1 Hectare OR Business size < 2000 SGM’s (Standard Gross Margins) (SGM unit examples: 1ha barley = 791; 1ha potatoes = 3,478; 1 ha of grassland or rough grazing = 1 1 Dairy cow = 1,441; 1 Female breeding sheep = 71; 1 Breeding sow (over 50kg) = 300; 100 laying hens = 577) AND The holder does not farm another holding. AND The holding is not a large poultry unit (200 or more poultry). AND There is no regular full-time farmer. AND The holding does not grow any Hardy Nursery Stock or Glasshouse crops. AND The holding has less than 100 farmed deer. AND (From 2003) Total holding area less than 1,000ha
2008 Minor Census Analysis Holdings 26,184 Minor holdings representing 51% of the Scottish total of 51, ,561ha of total land, representing 6% of the 5.65 million ha total (of which about 61% covered by Single Application Form) Land Use 1% of arable crops, fallow & set-aside (8,078ha) 4% of rough grazing (144,769ha) 13% of permanent grassland (116,408ha) 15% of woodland (48,396ha) Livestock 0.5% of cattle (8,926) and 9% of all holdings with cattle (1,123) 3.2% of sheep (228,864) and 33% of all holdings with sheep (4,947) 0.4% of pigs (1,826) and 31% of all holdings with pigs (321) 0.4% of poultry (49,683) and 48% of all holdings with poultry (2,837) Occupiers & Spouses 34% of working occupiers (8,897) 61% of occupiers working less than 50% of the time on the holding (7,717) 33% of working spouses (4,384) 41% of spouses working less than 50% of the time on the holding (3,878) Regular & Casual Staff 7% of regular and casual staff (1,695)