Notes: Vertebrate Animals KINGDOM- Animalia PHYLUM- Chordata SUBPHYLUM- Vertebrata CLASS- 7 different ORDERS- 9 Placental mammals
Characteristics of all Vertebrates Backbone Endoskeleton Distinct Skull Closed Circulatory System
Class Agnatha EX. Lampreys and Hagfish - Jawless - Reproduce Sexually - Gills - 2 Chambered Heart
Class Chondrichthyes Ex. Sharks and rays - Endoskeleton made of cartilage - Paired fins - Jaws - Lateral line system (for sensing vibrations in water) - Scales - Ovoviviparous (eggs develop & hatch in mom)
Class Osteichthyes Ex. Tuna, Perch, Bass - Endoskeleton made of bones - Swim Bladder - Usually has external fertilization
Class Amphibia Ex. Frogs, Toads, Salamander - Ectotherms (use heat in environment to maintain inside body temp) - Needs H2O for breeding - Metamorphosis (tadpole- bullfrog) - Gas exchange through skin
Class Reptilia Ex. turtles, tortoises, snakes, crocodiles - Ectotherms - Scaly skin - Oviparous (eggs develop & hatch outside mom; bury on land) - 3 or 4 chambered heart
Class Aves Ex. Birds - Endotherm (maintain body temp by producing heat internally) - Only organism with feathers (modified scales) - 4 chamber heart - Hollow bones (aid in flight) - Front limbs- wings
Class Mammalia Ex. Humans, bears, pigs, horses, dogs, cats, whales - Endotherms - Hair - Mammary glands - Most Viviparous (give birth to live young)
Three Categories of Mammals Placental- young develops in uterus Marsupials- young develops outside the body in a pouch Monotreme- egg laying mammal
Orders of Placental Mammals Rodentia- razor sharp teeth (rats, squirrels) Lagomorphs- fused hind leg bones (rabbits) Chiroptera- flying mammals (bats) Carnivora- eat meat (lions, tigers, wolves) Cetaceans- Blow holes to breathe (dolphins, whales)
Orders of Placental Mammals Insectivores- eat insects (moles, shrews, hedgehog) Artiodactyla- even # of toes (cows, sheep, goat, pigs, hippos, camels) Perissodactyl- odd # of toes (horse, zebra, rhino) Proboscidea- trunks (elephants) Primates- opposable thumbs (apes, monkeys, humans)
Human Beings Domain- EukaryaKingdom- Animalia Phylum- ChordataSubphylum- Vertebrata Class- MammaliaOrder- Primate Family- Hominidae Genus- Homo Species- Sapien Scientific Name: Homo sapien