FOSSA Endangered species By Codey Noel
WEIGHT AND SIZE Males up to 22 pounds Females up to 15 pounds Males up to 31 inches Females up to 27 inches Tail up to 32 inches
DIET(FOOD) Birds, Lemurs, Reptiles, Wilde pigs, Fish, other Mamalis some snakes,and guinea fowl. The Fossa is a carnivore
YOUNG (OFFSPRING) Born toothless Eyes are closed till 4 days old Age of maturity 4 years old Continue to grow till age of two
HOW MANY ARE LEFT? About 2,5oo
WHY IT IS ENDANGERED? People and the Fossa have to compete for food Diseases that threaten the Fossa. One of the diseases are rabies introduced by domestic dogs and wild cats
HOW ARE WE PROTECTING IT NOW? Providing forests Protecting it from export and trade The fossa's have help hunting and breeding
INTERESTING FACTS! The Fossa is one of the top predators in the Madagascar Fossa's release a sticky smell when it is irritated or frightened
WHERE DOES IT LIVE? The fossa lives in the wild. On the island of Madagascar. Coastal lowlands to mountainous areas up to 6,560 feet in elevation.
WORKS CITED Sandiego Zoo.Fossa.internet. Sandiego Zoo. Fossa.internet. Rosamond Gifford Zoo.Fossa.Internet. Gifford Meish Goldish.Fossa a Fearsome Predator. NY:Bearport publishing.1998 Bronx Zoo. Fossa. Internet.