Archives, Libraries, Museums in Digital World 2010 Prag Dr. Winfried Bergmeyer
The Computerspielemuseum Founded in 1997 Our Collections include: Computergames, educational software, media artworks Hardware (computer, video game consoles and peripherie) Publications (books and magazines) Videos Various documents concerning production, promotion and selling of computergames
The Computerspielemuseum Activities: Over 30 special exhibitions Participation in national and international research projects Support of research projects by offering access to games and documents Comprehensive cataloguing project and a long term preservation project
KEEP (Keeping Emulation Environments Portable) EU co-funded project Goals: Emulation strategy for long term access of digital applications and documents Automatisation of emulation environments Portability of emulators by providing a virtual machine for existing emulators Making emulation strategy reliable and easy to use
Bibliothèque nationale de France (F) Koninklijke Bibliotheek (NL) University of Portsmouth (UK) Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (D) Joguin SAS (F) Cross Czech a.s. (CZ) Tessella (UK) European Games Developer Federation (S) Computerspiele Museum (D) The KEEP Consortium
Why emulation for long term preservation? 1.The genuine hardware will not be available in the future, so operating systems for execution of applications and/or applications for rendering digital objects will not be available any more 2.Emulation means to preserve and access the original bitstream 3.Migration of digital data in current file formats is not possible for complex applications.Only emulation will be a way to run these applications and to get access to the digital objects Emulation for long term preservation
The three major tasks of KEEP: Develop a Transfer Tool Framework (TTF) for preservation of all kinds of data carriers Develop a „virtual machine“ (VM) for emulators Develop an Emulation Framework (EF) for access of digital objects KEEP projectives
Building a framework for the transfer workflow Specifying the Image file formats, supported by the emulators Batch processing for automatisation of multiple transfer processes Verification of the transfer results Automatic generation of technical metadata (for the EF) Transfer Tool Framework
TTFImage File (iso, d64, g64 …) Techn. Metadata
Today (most) emulators have to be adapted to new hardware and operating systems This does not grand a sustainable use of emulation on the long run The „virtual machine“ offers a platform, on which emulators could operate and only the „virtual machine“ has to be adapted to new hardware and operating systems in the future Virtual machine
Hardware-Platform Operating System Application Digital Object Wordstar Document Wordstar Wordprocessor CP/M Amstrad CPC 6128 Virtual machine
Hardware-Plattform Operating system Applikation Digital Object Intel Quad Core 64-bit i.e.WinAPE X Emulator Virtual machine Windows 7
Hardware-Platform/OS 1 Application Digital Object EmulatorKEEP Virtual Machine Virtual machine Hardware-Platform/OS 2Hardware-Platform/OS 3Hardware-Platform/OS 4Hardware-Platform/OS 5
Provision of required emulators, operating systems and applications for rendering digital objects in the original environment Offering the end-user an easy to handle emulation framework Offering different „emulation pathways“ (emulators) Offering different options for the emulation (display, sound, controllers …) Offering options for saving screenshots, video and audio sequences Emulation Framework
The Transfer Tool Framework will ease the production of images for different media carriers The „virtual machine“ will ensure the use of emulators in the future and makes emulation a sustainable way for long term preservation The Emulation Framework enables libraries, archives and museums to use emulation for delivering digital objects to the end-user Conclusion
Thank you for your attention! More Information: Dr. Winfried Bergmeyer Computerspielemuseum Karl-Marx-Alle 93 a Berlin