CAP Garching „Digital Planetariums“ by Thomas W. Kraupe Planetarium Hamburg, Germany
Zeiss Mk.I - The first projection planetarium 1915 Oskar von Miller Ordered for Deutsches Museum 1. A „ptolemy planetarium“ 2. A „copernican planetarium“ Developed in Jena by Walter Bauersfeld, Carl Zeiss Jena
A brief overview: Planetarium First Planetarium The „Wonder from Jena“ The first immersive simulator The first „Virtual Reality“-Theater
The early years: Classic Astronomy no astrophysics
Terabytes from the skies... A big flood of new digital data from new space missions and new generations of scientific instruments The public needs guidance and company in an entirely new 3D- cosmos
Planetarium Hamburg - an architectural icon
Planetarium Hamburg largest „sky theater“ in Northern Germany with an equipment unique worldwide
Der neue Sternensaal 21m dome, 253 Seats Projectors lowered Immersion increased Common direction of flight Variable Stage area All-digital Technolgy A current planetarium theater
DIGISTAR 3 „Our Digital Cosmos- Simulator“ Approx. 12 Mio Pixel Image Generator: PC- Cluster with High-End Graphicsprocessor Real-time 3D-database of the Universe
Digital Planetariums - Completely Integrated Systems Real-Time Astronomy Real-Time 3D Graphics Pre-Rendered All-Dome Video
Cutting Edge Digital Planetarium Shows Seamless immersive visualisation spaceride from the „edge“ of the Universe to Earth virtual flight through the cosmos Real 3D-Data based on Research no „Hollywood“ SCIENCE VISUALISATION vs. VISUAL EFFECTS real astronomers interacting
Flooded by visitors
A typical „day after“ Kaluoka´hina - das Zauberriff 11.00Unendliche Weiten 12.00Sonne, Mond und Sterne 13.30Nena - Madou und das Licht der Fantasie 15.00Kaluoka´hina - das Zauberriff 16.00Sterne der Pharaonen 17.00Aufbruch zum Saturn 18.00Kaluoka´hina - das Zauberriff 19.30Sternenkonzert: „Spirit Gospel“ 21.30Dark Side of the Moon 22.30Aero - Jean Michel Jarre
A theater for all sciences - Microcosm Microcosmos
Biocosmos: The Future is wild
Unendliche Weiten (Re-edit of Wonders of the Universe“) Macrocosmos
Cultural Cosmos - Stars of the Pharaoes
Coming soon....„Expedition STARSHIP“
Audience Interactivity
Human Body Experience
The Edutainment Spectrum Planetarium of the Future Interactivity Immersiveness Low Hi Television Movie Non interactive Pod IMAX Film Theme Park Interactive Pod Video Game
Digital Planetarium: Key potential in Education allows for seamless changes in perspectives (in space, time, models..) educates our Imagination
Digital Planetarium – unique partners for CAP o can present current models of the cosmos around us o Fast Growing userbase worldwide o common standards and Compatibility of immersive digital theaters o compatablility with typical production tools used by observatories and Media (Image processing and 3d modelling) o cross media and cross platform potential for CAP (linking books, DVDs, TV to real science)
Digital Planetariums and CAP – next steps a network of digital planetariums (f.e. Hamburg- Kiel coop) joint standards, productions and training/courses for future planetarians Shared resources – Metadata Libraries Broadband-network between digital planetariums and the research institutions (major observatories and agencies) real-time events accessing real science – real locations in real time (deep impact) Cooperation between IAU, IPS + ECSITE and ASTEC: Digital Theater as „spearheads“ for CAP
„We cannot touch the stars, but we can make the stars touch you“