For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology The FIRST challenge August 2008
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder Topics for today »What is FIRST? »What is the challenge? »What about ALARM ? »What is there to do?
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder What is FIRST ? »FIRSTsFIRSTs
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder FIRST: “To transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes.” Dean Kamen, Founder Vision Mission To inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder “We want to change the culture by celebrating the mind. We need to show kids that it’s more fun to design and create a video game than it is to play one.” Dean Kamen Founder Dean Kamen, Founder FIRST:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »501 (c) (3) not-for-profit public charity »Founded 1989, by inventor Dean Kamen »Headquarters in Manchester, NH »FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) for high- school ages (1992) »FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) for high-school ages (2005) »FIRST LEGO ® League (FLL) for 9 to 14 year- olds (1998) and Junior FIRST LEGO League (JFLL) for 6 to 9 year-olds (2005) »FIRST Place R&D facility and science & technology resource to the community Who We Are FIRST:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder What is the challenge?
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder “…It’s like life. You never have enough information. You never have enough time. The kit of materials is what you have in the warehouse. There are always competing things and you must have a strategy. We’ve created a microcosm of the real engineering experience.” Woodie Flowers FIRST National Advisor FRC:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »Combines the excitement of sport with science and technology »Creates a unique varsity sport for the mind »High-school-aged young people discover the value of education and careers in science, technology, and engineering How It Works FRC:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »January a new competition is announced and the “build season” begins. »Teams have 6 weeks to design, build and deliver their robots »Regional Competitions in the early spring »Finals in Atlanta (Georgia Dome) in May »Post season competitions (with modified rules) »The competition is played »with 2, 3 team alliances »2 rounds preliminary and finals »In the preliminaries teams are randomly assigned alliance partners and earn points. »Point totals are used to rank teams and the teams with the highest point totals get to choose alliance partners for the finals. »Finals are best 2 out 3 eliminations. How It Works FRC:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »New program designed to extend reach of FIRST »More accessible, affordable FIRST experience »Lower cost per team »No machine shop required »Commercially available robotics kit »Roll-out in 2007 »Local leagues »Regional tournaments »FIRST Championship FTC:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »Problem Solving and Creativity »Present kids with a new real-world problem each year »Unleash thinking, energy and fun »Teams of Kids and Mentors »Work as a team »Learn with adults and mentors »Do It All In 8 Weeks »A timeline to learn efficiency and effectiveness »Compete with peers in tournament FLL:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder In 2008, over 37,000 high-school students on over 1,500 FIRST Robotics Competition teams are participating in the excitement and intensity of science and technology. Inspiring Students Impact:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »Case History: Chatsworth High School, Los Angeles, CA »60% students graduate »Less than 50% go on to college »Every FIRST participant graduated on time, attended college and many enrolled in honors and advanced placement course Academic Success Impact:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder Scholarships Impact: Over $9.6 million in scholarship awards available to FIRST participants “I am very thankful for the inspiration that the FIRST experience gave me, and for this scholarship that allows me to be at a top institution, headed for a challenging and intriguing career.” Drew Blackburn, FRC Alumni Georgia Tech FIRST Scholarship Winner
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »FIRST students vs. comparison group »Seek education in science & technology »Twice as likely to major in science or engineering »More than three times as likely to major specifically in engineering Education in Science & Technology Impact: Source: Brandeis University, Center for Youth and Communities, Heller School for Social Policy and Management
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder Careers in Science & Technology Impact: »FIRST students vs. comparison group »Earn career opportunities: »Almost ten times more likely to have internship »Expect to pursue science & technology careers: »More than twice as likely to pursue S&T career »Nearly four times as likely to pursue career specifically in engineering Source: Brandeis University, Center for Youth and Communities, Heller School for Social Policy and Management
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder What is ALARM? »A Lot of Awesome Robot Makers »2 years old »Small in comparison to many FIRST teams »A winner of many awards
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder ALARM Team Roles Engineering »This group actually designs and constructs the robot. This group obviously becomes very active during the build period..robotbuild period Marketing »This involves both fundraising and publicity. Fundraising involves seeking out sponsors. Publicity includes things like communicating with the press, raising school awareness about robotics, and any other methods of raising the profile of the team. This group also finds non-FIRST events to show the robot off.fundraisingpublicity »Wanted: people interested in writing, advertising, photography, graphics design, videography, and just general creative types.
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder Team roles (cont’d) Mentors »Some are recent alumni who come back whenever they can (weekends, vacations, even more if the college is closer). Some are engineers, including parents of current students.alumni Parents »Parents do whatever they can to keep the club running. Sponsors »Sponsors make it all possible.
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder ALARM Sponsors »Altair Avionics »Rolls Royce »Product Genesis »Vaccon »Milara
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder 2007 “Rack and Roll”- JAWS »The game as it was envisionedenvisioned »ALARM Promo Movie of the GameGame »Need a picture of Jaws
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder 2008 “Overdrive” - RINGO »Movie of the GameGame »Picture of playing field »Picture of Ringo
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder What is to be done?
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder Volunteer at Events »Get involved as volunteers Mentor a Team »Get involved as mentors Become a Sponsor »Provide financial support »Provide equipment and facilities »Offer scholarships »Provide internships Get Involved:
“ …to create a world where science and technology are celebrated….where young people dream of becoming science and technology heroes…. ” Dean Kamen, Founder »At Motorola…we know it’s critical for tomorrow’s workforce to be technologically literate. That’s why we’re involved with FIRST.” Gary Tooker Vice Chairman, Motorola, Inc. »FIRST isn’t about building robots, it’s about building life skills.” Steve Sanghi President, CEO Microchip Technology Some of our sponsors… Sponsorship Get Involved: