Operationalizing Veterinary Legal Reform in Development Projects Dr Brian Bedard and Dr Laurent Msellati World Bank Livestock Group OIE Global Conference.


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Presentation transcript:

Operationalizing Veterinary Legal Reform in Development Projects Dr Brian Bedard and Dr Laurent Msellati World Bank Livestock Group OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Legislation December 7-9, 2010 Djerba, Tunisia

Outline Outline World Bank Engagement in Livestock Sector and Animal Health Experience with Veterinary Legal Reform in the Europe and Central Asia Region (ECA) Lessons Learned and Specific Issues 2

3 World Bank Engagement in Animal Health in Animal Health

Poverty reduction and rural development Agricultural competitiveness, food safety and trade Pasture management and rehabilitation One Health and pandemic preparedness i.e. Avian influenza and H1N1 World Bank Engagement in Livestock Sector 4

Direct impact on rural livelihood Basic determinant of livestock production Trade restrictions and economic impact Public health and zoonoses – One Health Drivers for Involvement in Animal Health 5

Reform of the Legal and Regulatory framework is at the core of good governance and a key component of most of the World Bank-funded projects in the animal health sector….. ….. but in the past analysis was done on an ad-hoc basis through ESW around the time of project preparation The PVS Methodology widely used since 2006 offered an opportunity to harmonize the approach and drive investments A similar assessment methodology is being advocated for Public Health. Great Progress on Methodology 6

About 100 countries have now completed the PVS which can be used by MDBs as the basis for reforms and investments in Animal Health Establishing Investment Priorities OIE/PVS G AP A NALYSIS S TRATEGIC P LANS S TRENGTHENING V ETERINARY S ERVICES M ODERNIZING V ETERINARY L EGISLATIVE F RAMEWORK I NCREASING P UBLIC I NVESTMENT o I NFRASTRUCTURE o C APACITY B UILDING 7

8 ECA Experience with Veterinary Legal Reform

Since 2006 WB-financed AI Projects in 13 countries: Albania, Kosovo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkey, Romania, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova. PVS /Gap Analysis promoted in cooperation with OIE in 13 countries and Kazakhstan Strategic plans to support veterinary services completed or ongoing, including legal reform Turkey: alignment with EU legislation: PVS/Gap completed, strategic plan ongoing with WB/OIE support. Kyrgyzstan: drafting of new veterinary law Armenia: revisions of existing laws Others to follow: Central Asia as part of regional One Health project (2011) Similar approach in other regions, but at a slower pace Close collaboration with OIE and EU ECA Experience 9

OIE Guidelines of Veterinary Legislation International TA including OIE support (Global Veterinary Legislation Initiative) National TA – lawyers and veterinarians in close partnership Participatory consultations Resources and Approach 10

11 Lessons Learned

Understanding the overall legal framework: Framework laws versus regulation Aligning with related national legislation: Food laws Consumer protection Commercial and Tax laws Anti-monopoly legislation Aligning with trading partners: EU and WTO Old law revised or new law (preferred) Lessons Learned: Context 12

There is no model, each country is sovereign Law must be clear and unambiguous Law must include general aspects of enforcement, compliance, incentives, penalties and sanctions Law must include explicit definition of veterinary organizations, roles and responsibilities: Competent authority, State agencies Private veterinarians/statutory body Civil servants/public vets/vet service Farmers and pet owners Definitions and translation glossary needed Lessons Learned: Content 13

It takes time, in general over 2 years We may experience during the process changes of key players which are likely to generate multiple revisions Broad consultation is critical A good team of national lawyers is needed Lessons Learned: Process 14

15 Special Issues

Promote transparency and a participatory process Prevent veterinarians from unilaterally drafting laws Be inclusive through working groups and round-tables: Private veterinarians Industry and farmer associations Agri-food processors Parliamentarians Public/consumers Government health services Donors in case of development projects Importance of Inclusion and Transparency 16

Promotion of private veterinarians The legal framework need to include a clear definition of roles and responsibilities of public and private veterinarians The promotion of a private veterinarians establishment, under the control of Veterinary Authorities has proved to be an essential element for the sustainability of the investments in Central Asia, Caucasus and Turkey Other key factors for success include: The establishment of representative veterinary statutory body and associations The delegation of public functions (eg. vaccination) to private vets with legal contracting The certification of veterinarians qualification 17

Include in Veterinary Law or separate compensation law? Funded from Govt budget under vet law Autonomous compensation funds Separate Decree/law Charter Legal registration Operational manual The Question of Culling and Compensation 18

19 Merci de votre attention