“Clue” Writing Project 7 th grade English
Background Created in 1944 Mystery board game. Poor Mr. Buddy, or Mr. Body, has been murdered in his own stately home! Who could have done it? And how? And where? With six suspects, six possible murder weapons and nine rooms in the mansion, there are hundreds of possibilities, and plenty of clues to investigate! CLUE® is today sold in over 40 countries from Brazil to Sweden, New Zealand to Abu Dhabi. In England, the game is called "CLUEDO", in Brazil, "Detective".
Theatre Spa
Changes in 2008 The new game has several new weapons. There is no more lead pipe, and the revolver is now a pistol. The company also added a trophy, an ax, a dumbbell, poison, and a baseball bat. The characters have changed, too. Miss Scarlet has a first name: Cassandra. Colonel Mustard left the military; he's a former football star. Victor Plum, formerly the professor who was always known as the smartest man in the room, became recast as a self-made video game designer — a dot-com billionaire.
Different versions Harry Potter The Simpsons Sherlock Holmes Scooby Doo
Character Bio’s Part I CharacterOriginalNew Version Professor (Peter/Victor) Plum expert in mid-Eastern history; he have up teaching to travel to Egypt; accused of plagiarism and fired from his job at a museum self-made video game designer billionaire; he moved out of a dingy basement into a new life of luxury but isn’t sure if Mrs. (Patricia/Eleanor) Peacock social butterfly; widower 3 times; lives a lavish lifestyle and has spent almost all of her late husband’s fortune comes from a wealthy family, heads up numerous charity events as long as she is the spotlight Miss (Josephine/Kassandra) Scarlet popular with the men; daughter of Mrs. Peacock but they rarely speak due to jealousy and envy hottest movie star, focus of celebrity magazines; biggest fear is the press will uncover the shady things she did to rise to the top
Character Bio’s Part II CharacterOriginalNew Version Reverend/ Mr. (John/Jacob) Green an alleged “Reverend”, he has been questioned in the past by police regarding allegations of fraud, smuggling, and money laundering is full of connections around town but be prepared for him to use his favors as blackmail later on Mrs. (Blanche/Diane) White Mr. Boddy’s long-time housekeeper & cook, likes to experiment with new recipes that are often questionable, has little to show for all of her years of service a former child actor, Ms. White can move on his life from her past fame but is determined to be successful again Colonel (Michael/Jack) Mustard distinguished military career; after retiring, he convinced a publisher his war stories would make a great book, but he only wrote 1 chapter after receiving advance payments; creditors are hounding him retired NFL star turned sports announcer, he relies on his failing good looks & popularity but is determined to not become an unknown
Assignment Choose a murderer, a victim, a weapon, and room Create a conflict/motive (what happened and why) Tell the story from the perspective of one of the characters (the victim, the murderer, or a witness), OR the weapon, OR the room where the murder occurred, OR the detective. Remember to think about the voice (how he/she would sound and act)
Requirements: Story follows Elements of Fiction plot chart: includes major complications, clear conflict and motive, climax, falling action, & resolution 1 st person point of view Dialogue Monologue Paragraph Formatting Correct grammar, spelling, & punctuation Typed: Times New Roman, Size 12, Double- Space, Underlined & Centered Title