Computer Graphics
Requirements Prerequisites Prerequisites CS 255 : Data Structures CS 255 : Data Structures Math 253 Math 253 Experience with C Programming Language Experience with C Programming Language Text Text Interactive Computer Graphics by Angel Interactive Computer Graphics by Angel
Expected Work Lectures Lectures Reading Reading Written and Programming Assignments Written and Programming Assignments Quiz Quiz Labs Labs
Grading Assignments 30% Assignments 30% Labs 15% Labs 15% Quizzes 15% Quizzes 15% Final Exam 40% Final Exam 40% DUE DATES FOR ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Later Assignment: 25% penalty Per day Later Assignment: 25% penalty Per day
What is Computer Graphics Computer graphics: generating 2D images of a 3D world represented in a computer. Computer graphics: generating 2D images of a 3D world represented in a computer. Main tasks: Main tasks: modeling: (shape) creating and representing the geometry of objects in the 3D world modeling: (shape) creating and representing the geometry of objects in the 3D world rendering: (light, perspective) generating 2D images of the objects rendering: (light, perspective) generating 2D images of the objects animation: (movement) describing how objects change in time animation: (movement) describing how objects change in time
Computer Graphics/Image Processing / Computer Vision Pictorial synthesis of real/imaginary objects from models. Image Processing : process an image to enhance certain aspects. Computer Vision : Derive the models/descriptions from an image.
Course Goals Learn the principles of modeling and synthesis Acquire expertise in tools used
Applications of Computer Graphics Display of information Display of information Design Design Simulation and animation Simulation and animation User interface User interface
Medical Visualization Image from David Brogan ’ s notes
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Animation Pixar: Monster’s Inc.
Topics Outline
OpenGL Basics Primitives and attributes Primitives and attributes Color Color Viewing Viewing Control functions Control functions [Angel, Ch. 2] [Angel, Ch. 2]
Input and Interaction Clients and servers Clients and servers Event driven programming Event driven programming Text and fonts Text and fonts [Angel, Ch. 3] [Angel, Ch. 3]
Objects & Transformations Linear algebra review Linear algebra review Coordinate systems and frames Coordinate systems and frames Rotation, translation, scaling Rotation, translation, scaling Homogeneous coordinates Homogeneous coordinates OpenGL transformation matrices OpenGL transformation matrices [Angel, Ch. 4] [Angel, Ch. 4]
Viewing and Projection Orthographic projection Orthographic projection Perspective projection Perspective projection Camera positioning Camera positioning Projections in OpenGL Projections in OpenGL Hidden surface removal Hidden surface removal [Angel, Ch. 5] [Angel, Ch. 5]
Light and Shading Light sources Light sources Ambient, diffuse, and specular reflection Ambient, diffuse, and specular reflection Normal vectors Normal vectors Material properties in OpenGL Material properties in OpenGL [Angel, Ch. 6] [Angel, Ch. 6]
Textures and Pixels Texture mapping Texture mapping OpenGL texture primitives OpenGL texture primitives Image filtering Image filtering [Angel, Ch. 7] [Angel, Ch. 7]
Rendering Clipping Clipping Bounding boxes Bounding boxes Hidden-surface removal Hidden-surface removal Line drawing Line drawing Scan conversion Scan conversion Antialiasing Antialiasing [Angel, Ch. 8] [Angel, Ch. 8]
Hierarchical Models Graphical objects Graphical objects Animations Animations OpenGL routines OpenGL routines Parameters and transformations Parameters and transformations [Angel, Ch. 10] [Angel, Ch. 10]
Curves and Surfaces Review of 3D-calculus Review of 3D-calculus Explicit representations Explicit representations Implicit representations Implicit representations Parametric curves and surfaces Parametric curves and surfaces Hermite curves and surfaces Hermite curves and surfaces Bezier curves and surfaces Bezier curves and surfaces Splines Splines Curves and surfaces in OpenGL Curves and surfaces in OpenGL [Angel, Ch. 12] [Angel, Ch. 12]
Other Topics Curves and Surfaces Curves and Surfaces Ray tracing Ray tracing Scientific visualization Scientific visualization Programmable shades Programmable shades Procedure methods Procedure methods