Ultrasonic - above 20,000 Hz ex. Ultrasound, bats, dog whistle Infrasonic - below 20 Hz ex. whales, some birds, rhinos Audible sound - 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ex. limits of human hearing
Have one member of your team collect some response cards.
We know what sound is, how it is made and how it travels. But how do we hear it? How does our sense of hearing work?
Now we know what sound is, but how does a sound wave get to your ear? As the tuning fork tines vibrate, it disturbs the air.
compression rarefaction
fendt.de/ph11e/dopplereff.htm doppler rocket demo
Explosive sound caused by the shock wave of an aircraft traveling at super sonic speeds Super sonic speeds means traveling faster than its own sound Super sonic speeds means traveling faster than its own sound Series of pressure waves in front of and behind the aircraft Creates an enormous amount of sound energy released as a “boom” even with a volcano… icle /Holy-smokes-Watch-explosive- moment-volcano-erupts-triggers-SONIC- BOOM-sending-shockwaves-sky.html icle /Holy-smokes-Watch-explosive- moment-volcano-erupts-triggers-SONIC- BOOM-sending-shockwaves-sky.html
Received Frequency Compared to Source Frequency Wavelength Compared to Rest Speed Relative to Observer Source moves toward observer GreaterSmallerSame Source moves away from observer SmallerLargerSame Source and observer at rest Same
What does sound travel through the fastest; gas, liquid, solid? Fastest through a solid Slowest through a gas Gas < Liquid < Solid
water vapor increases speed slightly increase temperature = increased speed (slightly) Think for a second, why would this be true? Faster moving molecules in warm air bump into each other more often therefore transmit the pulse in less time
news/ /Inside-the-Hyperloop- the-pneumatic-travel-system-faster- than-the-speed-of-sound.html RYAAxf-s