Métis and the Red River Settlement
HBC and NWC competition became more fierce: Moved deeper inland posts near each other Who are the Métis? Mix blood first nations and French (NWC employees)
What is the purpose of the bison hunt? Fresh meat, hide and for pemmican (which would be sold to traders) Also a sense of community, pride, discipline and identity
What was the buffalo hunt like? Whole family event, special horses (fast and guide by the riders knees) Also dangerous – guns explode, horses trip & horns pierce
Who is Thomas Douglas? (Lord Selkirk) He cared about under-privileged and had $ to do something, worked for HBC Why were Enclosures in Scotland an issue? It forced renters off farm-land. Move to city and be factory worker or move to North America and farm
Lord Selkirk had created small settlements but what was his plan now? Who would benefit? Large settlement that would be farmed and provide food for HBC. 300,000 square km Good for both HBC and Scottish people
What were Selkirk’s initial mistakes in choosing the land? He was not concerned with climate, or people already in the region
Why did the NWC and Métis join together, burn houses, trample crops and shoot guns in the night? Settlers had to use Fort Pembina (NWC) to survive the 1st 2 winters nellissued a With limited crops Macdonell issued a Pemmican Proclamation (No sale and export of Pemmican Which……. Upset Métis who sell pem. Macdonell ordered NWC to vacate post within 6 months
What were the results of the first settlement? Macdonell was arrested and many colonist forced to leave Semple his replacement burned an empty NWC post, Métis saw this as an act of war Métis seize pemmican from HBC Métis felt they had right to land
BATTLE OF SEVEN OAKS Semple felt the Métis were inferior, so brute force was the only way to deal with them Semple and 28 men vs. Métis In 15 minutes, 20 men and Semple were killed only one Métis
What was Lord Selkirk’s Response to Seven Oaks? Selkirk hired 95 Swiss mercenaries to come with him an he joined up w/Macdonell Took control of area again for the 3rd time Signed treaty with Cree, Ojibwa (100 lbs of Tobacco)
Why? – Lawsuit over RRC would last 3 years – Resources depleting – Profits shrinking
Called HBC Increased land size and monopoly NWC partners sold shares More natives workers (Traders/trappers/translators/guides/map makers) Built/repaired and paddle canoes Sell pemmican
What was George Simpson like? Hands on approach Go to posts without warning Called ‘Little Emperor’ – yelled at them (small/controlling) He was 40 and married 18 yr old Rid of old wife and children (Métis) New wife: Frances was racist & not social
Was stable for 20 yrs (Métis, Country born, Scottish, Swiss, and HBC employees) Who did what? Europeans farmers (a lot for HBC) Métis (Bison and Pemmican) main staple Country Born white collar jobs (better than Métis) Clerks, teachers, store owners
Changes by 1840 80% Métis/Country Born Fur trade wanted free trade Crime to sell furs HBC monopoly (won trial) But with no jail sentence, the Métis, they felt they won
Women's work – with men grain harvesting process wool then go home and cook bannock children small town gossipy Isolated & had to rely on each other
What changes occur b/w ? Population rise HBC decline Dominion of Canada Canada West filled more of west RR – Protestant ? (French and catholic) -view Métis as inferior
John Schultz: ran newspaper and busines & hatred towards the Métis $ decline crop failure, bison disappearing HBC decline Métis do not own land
HBC sells Rupert's land to Canada ($/farmland/trade fur but no monopoly) No concern for the RRS Surveyors– not recognize strip farms (French style) Do not recognize land claims since own by HBC, not Métis and other settlers
What happened? Angry with HBC, land speculators, & Gov. Métis National Committee Provisional Government Control Manitoba entering Confederation not McDouglas (lose all their rights) Capture Schultz and his men (Canadian party) Macdonald: called them “half-breeds”
Schultz escape but many of his men were caught again like Thomas Scott an extremist Abused his guards and threatened Riel Thomas Scott seen as a Martyr Military control Riel fled and was to keep away for five years Métis given land but lose control of Gov.
What changes occur b/w ? Why does this affect the Métis? Why was Rupert’s land sold? Why was there a rebellion 1869? What happened during the Rebellion? Why was Scott still hurting the Métis after his death? What was the result?