Business Director: Mandi Redmon Program Director: Angel Pollard Community Affairs: Lana Pavia
Our Programs Programs Clinically proven to reduce the characteristics and symptoms associated with: Auditory Processing Disorders Autism & ASD's ADHD / ADD Asperger's Syndrome Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) Downs Syndrome Sensory Integration Dysfunction Dyslexia Language Delays Learning Delays Balance and Coordination Problems Sensory integration and motor skill difficulties
Our Goal Our Goal at Frisco Listening and Learning is to provide children with exceptional services in the fields of Sensory Integration Therapy and Behavioral Health Sciences. Our Services Include: Sensory Integration Therapy Social Skill Training Private Tutoring ABA Therapy Let’s learn more about our programs
Social Skill Training Why are Social Skills Important? Social Skills are the foundation for getting along with others. A lack of Social Skills can lead to : behavioral difficulties in school delinquency inattentiveness peer rejection emotional difficulties bullying difficulty in making friends aggressiveness problems in relationships poor self-concept academic failures concentration difficulties isolation from peers depression Clients are paired with typical peers to target and develop social skills.
ABA Therapy Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a method of analyzing and modifying the behaviors of individuals using positive reinforcement. ABA is one of the main treatments for children with autism and is now covered by many insurance companies ABA methods are used to support persons with autism in at least six ways: to increase behaviors to teach new skills to maintain behaviors to generalize or to transfer behavior from one situation or response to another to restrict or narrow conditions under which interfering behaviors occur to reduce interfering behaviors ABA is scheduled 1:1 by appointment only or as an add-on to your sensory integration program.
What is Sensory Integration Therapy? It Combines auditory training with balance and visual activities It Stimulates parts of the brain involved in learning, communication, emotion, memory and balance It Evolved from proven therapies used to help with dyslexia, attention, auditory processing, coordination, communication, and cognitive function
Proven Techniques, New Technology We combine sound and movement therapies: Tomatis Method – sound therapy Kinesiology & Yoga – movement therapy known for its neurological stimulation Brain growth occurs through stimulation - a concept known as “neuroplasticity”.
How Does Listening Therapy Work? Integrated Listening uses electronically modified or "treated" music to re- train the brain and auditory pathways to improve the processing of sensory input. During the initial receptive portion of the program, clients listen to music that has been filtered and gated through customized headphones delivering both air and bone conduction. Information from our environment is conveyed through our senses: taste, touch, smell, hearing, seeing, vestibular (balance) and muscle awareness. These sensory systems are inter-related For Example: As your eyes move from letter to letter your ear translates each letter into a sound.
We Provide…… Clients with: Sensory Integration Sessions Each session is 60-minutes combined listening and movement (movement activities ~ 15 min) 3-5 office visits per week ABA can be added to maximize the benefits of the program** total program = 2-3 months
Conditions the ear/voice feedback loop Improves reading, listening, attention, voice quality and self-confidence Exercises designed to improve the following skills: Auditory memory Phonemic awareness (decoding of sounds) Auditory processing speed Left and right ear perception and processing Concentration & listening skills Auditory figure ground (language amidst background noise) Expressive Phase (optional add-on)
Sensory Protocols Sensory Motor: a 60-session program for those with sensory integration and developmental challenges as well as those on the autism spectrum Concentration & Attention: a 40-session program for those with attention deficits Reading/Auditory Processing: a 40-session program for reading-related and auditory processing skills Optimal Performance for Teens/Adults: a 48-session program to improve memory, processing, mood and balance; excellent for sports, gymnastics, dancers, and vocalist
Summarizing Listening Therapy A natural and safe therapy, the only side effects being a strong chance of improved self-esteem The balance of each session is spent doing creative and/or relaxing activities such as drawing, puzzles, fine-motor games, or just relaxing in a comfortable chair. It’s programs are effective for helping with learning, attention and balance problems, for those on the autism spectrum; mild head injury (whiplash); mood; improved cognitive skills; energy and enthusiasm for life Addresses the cause rather than the symptoms It’s fun, most kids and adults enjoy their listening
Q and A Are gains temporary or permanent? Most people who complete a program do not need to repeat it to maintain their gains. Program gains typically “stick” and regression is rare. Having said that, many people can continue to see improvement by doing additional integrated listening therapy. The more severe the difficulty, the more likely one can benefit from a 2nd or 3rd program. What age is appropriate for a listening program? We have worked with children as young as 22 months of age. There is no ceiling on the upper end, we have had clients in their 70’s and 80’s receive great benefit.
Steps to starting therapy… Contact the center and schedule a consultation (972) phone Location: Hall Office Park 2591 Dallas Parkway Suite 300 Frisco, TX