Mesh Color Cem Yuksel John Keyser Donald H. House Texas A&M University SIGGRAPH /12/06 Xiang
Outline 1.Introduction 2.Mesh Color Structure 3.Mesh Color Properties 4.Filtering 5.Experimental Result 6.Disscusion 7.Conclusion 8.Reference
1. Introduction 2D texture 3D texture Texture Mapping Some problem & Some challenge
Texture Mapping Challenge 2D texture −Seams −No local texture detail adjustment −Very sensitive to model topology 3D texture −Challenge to One-to-one mapping −Sharp and thin edge requires high textue resolution to avoid color bleeding −Slightest change in the textured 3D model may require to regenerate map −Big memory requirement Color bleeding
Mesh Color Structure Number of color samples per vertex= 1 Number of color samples per edge= Number of color samples per face= With different resolution, Add color samples on triangle.
Mesh Color Properties No mapping No discontinuities (no seams) Guaranteed one-to-one correspondence Correct MIP-map filtering Local resolution adjustment Permits model editing and subdivision Compatible with current graphics pipeline
Mesh Color Structure The 3D surface position of any color sample can be computed using barycentric coordinates based on the index of the color sample. [1,0,0] [0,1,0] [0,0,1] The barycentric coordinate of Color Sample Cij Like standard map, mesh colors can be usable in the current graphics pipeline.
Mesh Color Structure Colors are shared along edges - Guaranteed continuity
Mesh Color Structure Color sample density can be concentrated on areas with hight detail - achieving maximum texture detail with minimal memory consumption Non-uniform Face Resolution
Mesh Color Structure Color sample density can be concentrated on areas with hight detail - achieving maximum texture detail with minimal memory consumption Non-uniform Face Resolution Shared Edge
Editting Mesh Color Geometry Mesh colors can easily support most other mesh editing operations without the need for resampling.
Other Mesh Quad Mesh can use bilinear coordinates. triangulate the polygon position sample use bilinear interpolation
How to project to screen pixel?
Nearest Filtering Find the nearest triangle, and use the barycentric coordinates to interpolate the color of the red point.
Nearest Filtering Interpolation with weight from the points of the triangle
Nearest Filtering
Linear Filtering Staircase artifacts of nearest-filtering can be hidden by linear filtering. Nearest filteringLinear filtering blending
Mip-map Filtering MIP-map filtering R=8R=4R=2R=1 Face & EdgeVertex
Filtering Staircase artifact Under sampling artifact blurring
Filtering Correct Filtering - Mesh Colors result is the same as 2D Texture
Experiment Result
Memory Efficient
Experiment Result
Performance Fast under Hardware support
Discussion Periodic texture tiling is not supported. If discontinuities is desired, mesh color can’t support. Non-equal edge – result isn’t good Use polygon meshUse subdivideNon-equal edge
Conclusion 1.Easy to use 2.Easy to implement 3.High quality 4.High performance 5.Mesh Colors are ideally suited for – 3D painting – Storing precomputed data Ambient occlusion 6.Mesh Colors provide a solution to the fundamental problems of texture mapping.
Reference [1] L´E VY, B., AND MALLET, J.-L Non-distorted texture mapping for sheared triangulated meshes. In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH’98, 343–352. [2] BENNIS, C., V´EZIEN, J.-M., AND IGL´ESIAS, G Piecewise surface flattening for non-distorted texture mapping. Proc. SIGGRAPH ’91, ACM SIGGRAPH Comp. Graph. 25, 4, 237–246.