Mr. Lewis Mrs. Pauluk Mrs. Levanti Mrs. Bedner Welcome to Curriculum Night 2015
Goal = Lifelong Readers StoryTown Anthology Guided Reading – major component Independent Reading – “Just Right Books” Comprehension is key Focus on Skills/Strategies – predicting, questioning, monitoring, visualizing, connecting… AimsWeb Screenings/Progress Monitoring Daily 5
A way of structuring the Literacy Block so every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks Research based tasks that will have the biggest impact on student reading and writing achievement and foster children who love to read and write Explicit whole group instruction then independent practice time to read and write Meanwhile we provide focused, intense instruction to small groups of students
Read to Self: Research continually shows that the best way to become a better reader is to practice, practice, practice Work on Writing: Just like it takes practice to become a better reader, it takes practice to become a better writer Word Work: Working with spelling and vocabulary words helps children become better spellers and writers Read to Someone: Helps develop reading fluency and comprehension Curriculum Connections: Continuation of small group work
Writer’s Workshop model Writer’s Notebook Gathering, Drafting, Editing, Revising, Conferring, Publishing 6 Traits – Ideas, Organization, Fluency, Word Choice, Voice, Conventions (paragraph editing) Opinion, Expository, Narrative
Pattern/phonics based core list and 4 th grade high frequency words West Hartford Core Words – integrated throughout year – 4 th grade list for home Challenge words given as necessary Students bring home words each week Words typically run on 5 day cycles
Common Core aligned units Place value, multiplication, division, fractions, geometry Math centers ◦ Teaching done mostly small group Flexible grouping AIMSWeb Screenings Basic Facts Practice – Very Important – HELP! ◦ XtraMath – Great site for fact practice Sumdog, Front Row, Tenmarks
50 States/Geography Map Skills Connecticut History and impact of individuals, groups and events on CT history (Mark Twain, Samuel Colt, Nathan Hale, etc.) Current Events – Scholastic News/Service Learning Using primary and secondary sources
Inquiry Based – kids actively engaged, questioning, experimenting, exploring Lab Report Writing/Note Taking Ecosystems (3 Field Studies with Westmoor Park) Sound and Light Earth Materials Water Cycle Health
Second Step Program – self esteem, empathy, responsibility, respect, problem solving Healthy Relationships Nutrition Internet Safety and Cyberbullying Substance Abuse Prevention Disease and Injury Prevention Bicycle Safety
Monday – Thursday Practice, apply, and extend strategies and skills Provide opportunity to develop independence and responsibility Expected that students are reading for approximately minutes per night Study math facts each night Home Reading Sheet Weekly Reflection Students should be able to do independently Looking for their best effort, but need to know when they don’t understand
Promethean Board TurningPoint Clickers 4 student laptops 5 iPads Typing (Can be done at home) Research Skills Laptop Cart Investment in Technology
Book Buddies Room parents ◦ Bedner – Melissa Harhay & Alex Slap ◦ Levanti – Kelly Kelly & Kim Carbone ◦ Lewis – Renee McCue & Amy Sarzen ◦ Pauluk – Kate Yepes & Maritza Liu Field Trip money Conference Sign-Up – November 17 – 20 (on back tables)
Tissues Band Aids Ziploc bags (quart and gallon size)