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Introduction Techniques Used Case Study Advantages Application Conclusion OUTLINE
Introduction Electric power distribution system is an important part of electrical power systems in delivery of electricity to consumers. Electric power utilities worldwide are increasingly adopting the computer aided monitoring, control and management of electric power distribution system to provide better services to electric consumers. Therefore, research and development activities worldwide are being carried out to automate the electric power distribution system utilizing recent advancement in the area of Information Technology (IT) and data communication system. Power system automation focuses use of transformers, circuit breakers, relays, generators, capacitors, regulators, monitoring, and control equipment in a efficient manner.
TECHNIQUES USED Data Acquisition System : Data acquisition refers to collection of data in the form of analog measured voltage and current. Power system supervision Computer processes,personnel supervises and monitor The status and condition of power system using the acquired data. Power system control Control refers to sending messages to a device to operate I&C and power system devices. Contd …
I&C System IEDs I&C devices uses microprocessor based intelligent electronic devices to process data, accept commands and communicate information between the power network. Instrument Transformer These are extensively used for Sensing and measuring current and voltage in power system Contd …
Remote Terminal Unit :- RTU is an IED which is installed at the remote location and acts as a termination point of network.Dedicated pair of copper conductor is used to sense every contacts and transducer value. metering It is an IED which is used for measurement of accurate values of voltage, current, power and power factor and stores the historical data. Contd …
Digital Fault Recorder It is an IED which records disturbances. It stores data like frequency, voltage and harmonics in digital format. Protective Relays A Protective relay is an IED used to sense power disturbances and automatically control action on the power system to protect the equipment. Automated Meter Reading It is a communication service which transfers data from utility meters to control panel. Contd …
Benefits of AMR Reduces Labour cost Improves safety of personnel working in high risk fields Improves bill accuracy
Case Study in INDIA The distribution systems in india have grown in an unplanned manner resulting in high system losses in addition to poor quality of supply. Efficient operation and maintenance of distribution system in India is hampered by non-availability of system topological information, current health information of the distribution components like distribution transformers and feeders, historical data etc. The other reasons are the lack of use of efficient tools for operational planning and advanced methodology for quick detection of fault, isolation of the faulty section and service restoration etc. Currently, fault detection, isolation and service restoration takes a long time causing the interruption of supply for a longer duration. Manual meter reading, delay in billing, faulty and inaccurate metering, tampering of meters and pilferage of electricity are some of the main reasons for poor return of revenue to electricity utilities in India.
In Indian utility distribution system, the technical and commercial losses are around 45%. It is envisaged that the technical part of the losses can be brought down to the minimum value with the implementation of distribution automation system. Currently reported transformer failure rate of around % in Indian distribution systems is mainly due to non-availability of transformer health parameters and its loading conditions. This can be brought down to around 1% with the help of distribution automation system. Cost/benefit analysis of DA system justifies the capital investment for distribution automation system.
ADVANTAGES Reduced technical and Commercial losses Improved Operational Planning and Remote Load Control Enhanced Power Quality Service Reliability in Electrical Protection Display of real time substation information in a central control room Advanced supervisory control over the power network Intelligent Load Shedding
APPLICATION Meeting the Load Demand Management Substation Monitoring and Information Reduction of Power Interruption Reduction of Voltage Flicker Using Adoptive VAR Compensator Load Forecasting
CONCLUSION Power utilities have realized the need for full scale distribution automation to achieve on-line system information and remote control system. The main motivation for accepting the distribution automation in developing countries such as India is to improve operating efficiency of distribution system.