EN-GMS Group Meeting S. Prodon –
CERN News (scientific matters) 1 st collisions at 13 TeV on 20 May Stable beam as from 3 June = start of physics data taking Energy ramp-up up to the end of the year
CERN News (HR Matters) 5 yearly review in progress Employment conditions Diversity measures (recognition of partnerships, support for spouse/partnership employment, family-related leaves, and measures to improve work/life balance) Career structure LD2IC: nb of IC slots by Department defined for 2015, 2016 & 2017 Ombuds report: 90 visitors in 2014 for 181 concerns. Actions taken: discussion, coaching & mediation
CERN News (HR Matters) Future changes for COFUND fellows as from next committee: EU funding 30% only + mobility rule
CERN News (General) MTP Reduction of contributions by 60 MCHF in 2015 to compensate for the impact of the CHF LS2 delayed by 6 months (as from end 2018) and extended by 6 months (2 years in total) LS3 delayed by 1 year HIE-Isolde Phase 2, ELENA and AWAKE Phase 2 to be completed before LS2 CLIC ramp-down faster Reduced financial enveloppe for FCC SHIP, TSR and HIE Isolde Phase 3 not included Cut 15% in consolidation budgets Cut 10% in fellows budget
CERN News (General) Turkey as Associate Member State Can award contracts to Turkish firms Can hire LD staff New car sharing service as from 2 June EDMS 6 : new search functionalities including the content of the files attached and not only metadata of the document
EN Department News Tool to check access rights for personnel on stand-by developed by GS. First tests with Maryse. Successful installation of the cryomodule 1 at HIE-ISOLDE EN Retreat on Manpower Plan held on 8 June Cut 12% on cars: waiting for the results of other Departments New French law on the use of professional cars with Swiss plates: stand-by personnel shall have the access car + order of mission
EN Department News IPPs (space requests): studies will be launched for Electrical substation for the secured network (bldg. 238) Cooling and ventilation building for AD target area (bldg. 195) Metallurgy building (bldg. 599) Projects for Portuguese trainees in progress Proposals for VIAs for 24 June
EN-GMS News Proposal to handle transitory codes New on-line platform for trainees applications
Purchase of Smartphones (reminder) Approval Below 200 CHF : Group Leader Above 200 CHF : Department Head Purchase: always through EN Desktop Support (for Netops registration & inventory) EDMS
Purchase of Tablets (reminder) Approval by Department Head Purchase: through EN Desktop Support EDMS
Claims for Computing Equipment (reminder) Claim only if not possible to issue a DAI Agreement before making the purchase: Below 500 CHF : by DPO Above 500 CHF : by Department Head Items concerned EDMS ItemComment Smartphones See procedure EDMS “Purchase of Smartphones”. When approved, smartphones have to be purchased from CERN stores. Hard disksPlease refer to EN Desktop Support before ordering the material. USB keysPlease refer to EN Desktop Support before ordering the material. Portable computersThese items can only be ordered by EN Desktop Support. CamerasMaterial available from CERN stores Other computing equipment Software
Urgent Orders to Local Stores DAI Create a DAI in EDH Pick the order directly at the procurement service (contact person: Fleur ZROUNBA) Recuperate de material Go to the local store with the CERN order Recuperate your material Goods Reception Register your material at the Goods Reception