XV-RA V/Doc. 5.2(2) Expected Result: 11 EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE AND OVERSIGHT OF THE ORGANIZATION Strategic Plan for the Enhancement of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Regional Association V (South-West Pacific) STRATEGIC THRUST 5: EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT AND GOOD GOVERNANCE
RA V STRATEGIC PLAN PROGRESS TO DATE RA V Priorities (Adelaide, 2006) – para 1.1 Strategic Goals – para 2.1 (Kuala Lumpur, April 2007) WMO Strategic Plan (May 2007) New format for Strategic Plans (2008) Draft Strategic Plan (Kuala Lumpur, April 2009) Streamlined Draft Strategic Plan Preliminary Draft Strategic Operating Plan
Adjustment and Revision by May 2009 at Technical Conference in Malaysia
To produce more accurate, timely and reliable forecasts and warnings of weather, climate, water, and related environmental elements To improve the delivery of weather, climate, water, and related environmental information and services to the public, governments and other users To provide scientific and technical expertise and advice in support of policy and decision-making and implementation of the agreed international development goals and multilateral agreements Science and Technology Development and Implementation Service Delivery Partnership Capacity-building Efficient Management and Good Governance 1. Enhanced capabilities of Members to produce better weather forecasts and warnings Enhanced capabilities of Members to provide better climate predictions and assessments Enhanced capabilities of Members to provide better hydrological forecasts and assessments 8 4. Integration of WMO observing systems13 5. Development and implementation of the new WMO Information System 7 6. Enhanced capabilities of Members in multi-hazard early warning and disaster prevention and preparedness Enhanced capabilities of Members to provide and use weather, climate, water and environmental applications and services Broader use of weather, climate and water outputs for decision-making and implementation by Members and partner organizations Enhanced capabilities of Members in developing countries, particularly least developed countries, to fulfil their mandates Effective and efficient functioning of constituent bodies Effective and efficient management performance and oversight of the Organization 32 3 Top-level Objectives 5 Strategic Thrusts 11 ERs 211 Deliverables WMO Strategic Plan for and Beyond
1. Enhanced capabilities of Members to produce better weather forecasts and warnings 2. Enhanced capabilities of Members to provide better climate predictions and assessments 3. Enhanced capabilities of Members to provide better hydrological forecasts and assessments 4. Integration of WMO observing systems 5. Development and implementation of the new WMO Information System 6. Enhanced capabilities of Members in multi- hazard early warning and disaster prevention and preparedness 7. Enhanced capabilities of Members to provide and use weather, climate, water and environmental applications and services 8. Broader use of weather, climate and water outputs for decision-making and implementation by Members and partner organizations 9. Enhanced capabilities of NMHSs in developing countries, particularly least developed countries, to fulfil their mandates 10. Effective and efficient functioning of constituent bodies 11. Effective and efficient management performance and oversight of the Organization ER 1: Upgrade in Members telecom. capability including circuits and connection to broadband Internet ER 2: Improved data and products exchange for RA V Members under WIS implementation ER 3: Assistance and advice to Members on their migration plan to an extended use of Table Driven Code Forms (TDCFs) WMO SP Expected Result Deliverable Connection to the Internet by broadband Deliverable RA V Expected Result Regional Association Deliverable For example Regional Expected Results and Deliverables Action Plan
RA V Strategic Plan (XV-RA V/Doc. 5.2(2) Appendix C) Draft Resolution Res. 5.2/1
RA V Strategic Operating Plan for
Road map towards development of SOP
Development and finalization of the general description by the end of March 2011; Refinement of the preliminary draft SOP with general description, regional expected results and deliverables by April 2011; Its adoption by the president through discussions at a side meeting during the Sixteenth World Meteorological Congress (Geneva, May 2011); Development of key performance indicators/targets and concrete activities by October 2011; Endorsement of full SOP documents during the Regional Seminar planned for October/November 2011 for final approval by the president by the end of November Road map towards development of SOP
Decisions/Actions required (a)To adopt the Strategic Plan for the Enhancement of National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in Regional Association V (South-West Pacific) ; (b)To agree with the proposed approach for regional strategic planning for NMHSs in RA V ; (c)To approve the draft text in the Appendix for inclusion in the general summary of XV-RA V.
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