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Presentation transcript:

GSICS Partnerships: CEOS WGCV IVOS, X-CAL, GRUAN Tim Hewison1 (1) EUMETSAT

CEOS WGCV CEOS WGCV Microwave group QA4EO guidelines Nominated Representatives to attend IVOS & Microwave group meetings IVOS group – inter-calibration methodologies, metrology, standards Good working interactions at the practical level. However, IVOS are currently updating their written work plan. It looks like there is some potential overlap between this and the scope of GSICS.   Proposal: EP prepare statement of how we can best manage cooperation between IVOS+GSICS (See slides 4-6)

IVOS (CEOS WGCV Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors subgroup) Good working relationship on a practical level: Many of GSICS’ solar method PIs are active in IVOS IVOS seeking collaboration on writing ATBDs for inter-calibrating solar channels for example, it may be possible for IVOS to participate in the review process. IVOS Wiki to exchange information on 5 methods of calibration for solar-band channels of moderate resolution sensors: Vicarious Calibration System for Earth Observation Optical Sensors (ViCaSEOOS) IVOS were also particularly interested in free access to the Instrument Event Logs, currently being developed by GSICS. B. Iacovazzi plans to send out the template and then setup a web meeting. CEOS Cal/Val Portal - gives some sensor information e.g. spectral response curves, POC for each instrument, etc.

IVOS updated written work plan Mission The mission of the Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors subgroup is to ensure high quality calibration and validation of infrared and visible optical data from Earth Observation satellites and validation of higher-level products. Terms of Reference The objectives of the Infrared and Visible Optical Sensors subgroup, beyond those of the WGCV, are to: Promote international and national collaboration in the calibration and validation of all infrared and visible optical sensors and, thus, to assist in the improved application of data from satellite sensors. Address all sensors (ground-based, airborne and satellite) for which there is a direct link to the calibration and validation of satellite sensors. {?} Identify and agree on calibration and validation requirements and standard specifications for infrared and visible optical sensors. {Pre-launch?} Identify test sites and encourage continuing observations and intercomparison of data from these sites. Encourage the timely and unencumbered release of data relating to calibration and validation activities including details of pre-launch and in flight parameters. In the context of calibration and validation encourage the full consideration of “traceability” in all activities involved in the end-to-end development of an EO product including appropriate models and algorithms. {as CEOS group: emphasise pre-launch work}

IVOS updated work plan cont. Activities and structure (First part…) The primary focus of IVOS is to establish an internationally harmonised Cal/Val strategy, including; methods, Reference standards and infrastructure, to meet the needs of space-based Earth observing system for IVOS relevant sensors. In particular, to support the development and implementation of GEOSS, the constellations/WGs/and sub-groups of CEOS and the needs of other community bodies e.g. GCOS, WMO, IOCCG etc as appropriate. This strategy recognises the critical importance of all phases of a satellite mission: pre-flight and post-launch with the latter including both on-board and vicarious based systems/methods. In developing its strategy, IVOS notes that although much of the “end-user community” is primarily interested in relatively higher-order products, without a good understanding of the L1, it is difficult to develop/assess/interpret them. Its work plan therefore places a strong emphasis on these primary L0/L1 products even if they are not usually distributed. It further recognises that there are many other existing and active community groups addressing the detailed needs (particularly validation aspects) of the higher order products, including other CEOS sub-groups, and thus IVOS concentrates its efforts on supporting activities where radiometric/geometric calibration and/or instrumentation performance/traceability is of particular importance.   The work-plan of the last few years and the target for next five, is to work towards establishing a “globally useable, internationally harmonised, “operational” calibration system (IVOS sensors) under the auspices of CEOS utilising the combined efforts of member agencies. The objective of this system would be to facilitate interoperability between sensors at level 1 and subsequent higher level products, enabling all sensor operators to demonstrate unequivocally and consistently a “quality indicator”, in the context of its application, for their products. It would readily allow the identification of any “normalisation factors” that may need to be applied to allow …later mentions working in partnership with GSICS.

GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-XVI) 8.4 Report from CGMS-38 Dr Johannes Schmetz reported on EUMETSAT Climate Activities and on the 38th meeting of the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS), held in New Delhi, India from 8-12 November 2010. Actions and recommendations: 60. The Panel was pleased to hear the comprehensive report on the CGMS issues. The Panel recommended that all agencies participating in the Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) record satellite calibration anomalies and provide that information online. … 71. The Panel also raised the potential of radio-occultation measurements to effectively connect the individual radiosonde stations of the GRUAN; in fact radio-occultation measurements on satellites could be considered to be a travelling reference for the upper tropospheric and stratospheric temperatures.

GRUAN The GRUAN network provides not only high quality radiosondes, but is complemented by high quality ground measurements at each site. GSICS can provide a service using inter-calibrated satellite data as a calibration transfer reference to validate radiosonde observations The question is what the relationship between GSICS and GRUAN should be. GRWG came to the following conclusion: No. Title Recommendation GRWG06_02 GSICS sees GRUAN as an important activity. GRWG sees the primary benefit of GRUAN data to provide validation of GSICS products on Level 2 products in the framework of groups like SCOPE-CM and in the framework of CAL-VAL activities. This will require a 3-way interaction with those groups.

GPM X-CAL GPM X-CAL Inter-calibration of microwave instruments Conical-scanning imagers Cross-scanning sounders – temperature and humidity channels Chris Ruf to represent XCAL in the GSICS Microwave Subgroup

SCOPE-CM Need to validate consistency of GSICS Products But difficult to directly compare GEO-GEO-LEO Because of different channel characteristics Apply GSICS Corrections to all GEO imagers Use corrected data to retrieve level 2 products Need to propagate uncertainties L1->L2 Compare these in overlap regions to validate GSICS Corrections Possible for some GPRCs operating multiple GEOs But want global consistency Need cooperation with users – e.g. SCOPE-CM