1. Factors to Succeed in a Presentation 1.1 What is an Effective Presentation? 1.2 Major Factors for an Effective Presentation 1.3 Designing and Developing Contents 1.4 Review Points for Presentation 1.5 Review Points for Presentation Delivery 1.6 Six Common Pitfalls in Presentation 1.7 Summary of Chapter 1
1.1 What is an Effective Presentation? Goals of a presentation Definition of an “Effective” presentation A presentation strategically strengthened to persuade audience Audience understands the main message/idea Audience takes further actions due to the proposal
1.2 Major Factors for an Effective Presentation Audience-oriented Approach Principle of Persuasion Delivery of the Presentation
1.2.1 Audience-oriented Approach A concept of reviewing the presenter and the content Understand the audience Tell audience the benefits of presentation
1.2.2 Principle of Persuasion Methods of persuading 1.By using facts 2.By basic social, biological needs and wants 3.By the presenter’s credibility
1.2.3 Delivery of the Presentation Verbal Vocal Visual
Delivery Techniques - Stand straight and open - Move with purpose -Controlled and Natural -Sign posting -Pace, volume, tone -NO “Ahs, Ums” Gestures Voice Posture Eye Contact -Talk to both Individuals and to everyone
1.3 Designing and Developing Contents Steps for preparing an “effective” presentation Define Objective Analyze Audience Organize Body of a Presentation Design Visual Aids Prepare Opening of a Presentation Prepare Closing of a Presentation
1.3.1 Define Objective Objective will be the goal where audience will go Benefits of clear objective enable to: Develop presentation efficiently Presenting presentation clearly DestinationOrigin
1.3.2 Analyze Audience Understanding the audience is useful for developing appropriate presentation Type of questions for audience analysis: Who are the audience? What does the audience know? What are their interests, attitudes, beliefs? What’s in it for me? What’s in it for me?
1.3.3 Organize Body of a Presentation p Introduction p Body part p Conclusion -Body I Main point 1 a. Reason or support for 1 b. Reason or support for 1 b. Reason or support for 1 - Body II Main point 2 a. Reason or support for 2 b. Reason or support for 2 Message Structure Style of the body Supports
Design Content of the Body 1. Brainstorm Ideas 3. Design the Body Structure 2. Categorize Ideas into Group
Design Body Structure A framework for designing and checking the logical structure Layer 1 Main Message/ Purpose Layer 2 Main points/ Sub message Layer 3 Supports (facts, idea, etc) Logic Check Body 1Body 2Body 3 Main message and Purpose Supports
Add Supports to the Main Point Supports Message Facts Quotes Examples Testimony Stories Analogies Good supports make the points persuasive
Develop Style of the Body Module Chronological Question & Answer Issue & Solution Ideal vs. Reality
Decide Type of Message Structure Direct : Most popular method used in presentation Effective for busy audience. Indirect :- Bring the audience into the argument. Effective for biased, hostile audience. 1. Message, recommendation (or conclusion) 2. Reason or support A 3. Reason or support B 4. Reason or support C 1. Reason or support A 2. Reason or support B 3. Reason or support C 4.Message, recommendation (or conclusion)
1.3.4 Design Visual Aids The advantages of using visual aids: 1. Help audience to understand 2. Simplify complex ideas 3. Remain in memory longer Oral presentation Presentation with Visual Aids Voice OHP, whiteboard, PC, etc Voice +
Points for Visual Aids 1 concept, 1 slide Keep it short and simple DO NOT use too much colors Use same format, fonts, etc. Make it visible Graphics and pictures tell more than words
Example of Visual Aids Increase of Sales Food 20%Medical 5% Auto 70% Energy 20% Example of data table Personnel A B C Age Dept Sales Finance HRD Tokyo Headquarters Human Resource Sales Department Development Breakdown of Sales
The advantage of the new system compared to the others –ABC offer customer a free memory upgrade –The system futures high flexibility of employing open platform –The system consists of numerous interfaces for expansion –ABC offer longer warrantee period to the customer (3years) –System consists of Large storage The future of the new XYZ system offers various benefits Bad Example of Itemization Sample slide
Good Example of itemization Future of the XYZ system Basic future: Plus Sample slide - High flexibility - Expandability - Large storage -Free memory upgrade service -Longer warrantee service Choosing XYZ system is the best choice
1.3.5 Prepare Opening of a Presentation Audience will judge by what you say in the beginning. Importance of an introduction The objective of an introduction a)Establish relationship between the audience b)Gather attention as much as possible c)Clarify the content
Opening Strategy Get attention State your purpose Establish Credibility Answer “What’s in it for me?” Provide a preview - Try memorize all the introduction -
1.3.6 Prepare Closing of a Presentation Conclusion is the last chance to make an positive impression Importance of a conclusion The objective of a conclusion a)Make the presentation memorable b)Make remember audience the main point c)Clarify the next action
Closing Strategy Provide closure Summarize the presentation Make a memorable final impression Make the next step clear End with positive words - Try to memorize all the conclusion -
1.4 Review Points for a Presentation Evaluate the presentation material from the -objective of the presentation -audience oriented point of view Use powerful and active words Rehearsals-Practice, practice, practice-
1.5 Review Points for Presentation Delivery Delivery (Posture, Gesture, eye contact, voice) Talk to the audience, not to screen Do not read visual aids Show enthusiasm and confidence
1.6 Six Common Pitfalls in Presentation 1. Unclear Objective and content 2. Fail to meet audience needs 3. Poor organization or logic 4. Excessive volume of information 5. Long presentation 6. Not enough supporting information ?
1.7 Summary of Chapter 1 You have learned: The factors that makes an effective presentation The effective methods and strategies of designing a presentation The role of Visual Aids