World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO Information System (WIS) Meeting of the ET-WISC Feb 2010 David Thomas (PM-WIS) WMO; Observations and Information Systems WMO
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 2 WIS PO presentations 3 Presentations –Progress report on Milestones (Dave) –Update on ET GDDP, WIS JUMPSTART and other activity (Eliot) –Technical developments on metadata tool and Search interfaces (Timo)
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 3 WMO Task Name Consolidate WIS Plan 100% + Establish WMO Metadata 90% + Develop Regulatory Docs 30% - Implementation Part A IMTN Ongoing Operations & Implementation Ongoing - Implementation Part B Implement first Operational GISC 60% Implement other GISCs 20% Implement DCPCs 20% - Coordination IGDDS 95% WIGOS 50 % GEO 95% Milestones WIS Plans Metadata (nearly there) Regulatory docs (whoops) IMTN – Excellent progress – MPLS Progress WIS without detriment to existing systems First GISC & DCPCs (nearly there) Coordination (Frustrating but on track)
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 4 Status of WIS Documentation WIS Project and Implementation Plan v1.1 WIS Functional Architecture v1.0 WIS Compliance Specs v1.1 Designation procedures WIS User Requirements v0.4 Overview of WIS documents Gantt charts Manual / Guidelines on WIS WIS Web Page
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 5 Metadata Format –Agreement on format (DWD/MF/CMA/JMA ) –Sample metadata (more than just the GTS) –Best practices guidelines –Training materials Uploading/downloading Synchronization Hosting / additions & changes DAR given boost by new WIS project officer –See Timos presentation on geonetwork and SRU
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 6 Regulatory Docs Guidelines on WIS –Outline done, coordinator done. –Builds on contributions from ET and IPETs –Doable, but super human effort required –Most important is ET & IPETs make this a priority over new and fun stuff. Manual on WIS –Have to work with WIGOS and other major programs. Need people and $$$. –WIS TF has some set aside to support coordinator
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 7 IMTN and Networks ET CTS successful in establishing the IMTN as WIS Core Network –Made possible by ECMWF mgt & extension of MPLS CBS XIV and EC approved concept of AMDCNs –Much progress already, but diverse RA V has 4 MPLS networks, but still some centres not connected to GTS. RA II & V VPN project lead the way in use of internet for secure exchange network. –VPN project also had some excellent technology & applications spin offs. Still some important issues to resolve –Communication volumes and capacity planning, …
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 8 New WIS Centres First GISCs –DWD, MF, MO, CMA, JMA all primed to go –Late but not too late –ICG-WIS Sub Group identified 13 potential GISCs –RA II has some issues to resolve Other GISCs and DCPCs –ICG-WIS SG identified over 110 DCPC –ET-GDDP progressing well Very tough timelines so well done… See Eliots report ET-WISC has key role in ensuring issues blocking progress are addressed immediately –First centres have to work together to agree on solutions e.g. DWD/CMA/JMA coordination workshop –ET has to pass issues to IPETs and chase solutions.
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 9 Coordination IGDDS –Going well, Robert Husband was working on IGDDS, RARS and WIS. –Good link into GEOSS work on GEONETCAST and Standards (QA4EO) WIGOS –Strong link into most of WIGOS Pilot Projects. –Identified mechanism for WIGOS demands on WIS through RRR process but no action –WIS is an essential component of WIGOS and we need to deliver for WIGOS to proceed effectively. GEO –WIS technically going well with GEOSS but some sensitive areas. –Mostly associated with GEOSS Common Infrastructure –WIS remains an exemplar of GEOSS 10 year plan principles
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 10 Capacity Building WISPO initial focus (first two years) –To preparing the basic documentation (WPIP, RRR, Tech Specs, FA, etc) –Helping contributors understand and refine the docs and in reaching consensus on issues –Liaison across WMO programs, other organizations and other initiatives (WIGOS, GFCS, …) Ensuring centres implement the new functionality of WIS –WIS jump-start offer (see Eliots talk) –Guidelines have to come from ETs & IPETs and feed the WMO standards process –Decisions have to come from Members for convergence Ensuring users know how to benefit from WIS –Work with GISCs and DCPC to develop training curriculum for other programs –Focus on NCs from LDC and SIDS
02-05 Feb 2010ET-WISCSlide 11 End of Part 1