Valerija Šulek
Romanticism: between 1789 and 1843 in Europe influenced by the German "storm and stress'' movement Nature-something to honor(the truith)
Emotions American Indians
Characteristics of Romanticism : emotions and instinct-more important than the reason glorification of "The Natural Man" (American Indians, African Blacks) – all worthy people to observe the simple and unsophisticated life -the best It led to: glorification of Greek society detail-the pathway to truth Artists -misunderstood geniuses,blessed and cursed by their art the role of art-to lead people Romanticism won out-not without a struggle
Listening Oil lamps CandlesSpecial effect
Romantic theatre: seeing more important than hearing Candles or oil lamps – by 1830, gaslight special effects: Flying, trap doors, water pump systems, moving panoramas-illusion of travel, volcanic eruptions, fires,.. elevated language, noble characters, the five-act form romantic hero-a social outcast, quested for justice, knowledge, and truth heroes fiercely defended individuality and independence
tragedy serious
Poetic drama Verse drama-any drama written as verse to be spoken (poetic drama) It includes: tragedies, serious plays easier to memorize Greek tragedy,Racine's plays,Shakespeare’s drama and Goethe’s Faust-written in verse second half of the twentieth century- poetic drama almost completely out of fashion
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe a German poet, novelist, playwright, courtier, natural philosopher, one of the greatest figures in Western literature His most famous work - the poetic drama in two parts, Faust. considered as one of the greatest contributors of the German Romantic period.