A comparison of Hong Kong’s comedy in 1980’s and 2000’s
F.2 Cross-curricular Project Learning Aim: We want to use this project to find out the differences of Hong Kong Comedy between 1980’s and 2000’s F.2 Cross-curricular Project Learning Aim: We want to use this project to find out the differences of Hong Kong Comedy between 1980’s and 2000’s
Group members
Comedies in 1980’s Films ~ 富貴開心鬼 ~ 賭神 ~ 打工皇帝 ~ 八兩金 Actors ~ 許冠文 ~ 許冠英 ~ 許冠傑
Comedies in 2000‘s Films ~ 龍咁威系列 ~ 少林足球 ~ 新紮師妹系列 ~ 我要做 model Actor ~ 周星馳 ~ 鄭中基 ~ 曾志偉
1980‘s Vs 2000’s comedy Can Reflect the society at that time than 2000’s Are mostly reasonable There are not much computer effects Concern on how to make people laugh, not to reflect the real society More creative Beautiful computer effects 1980s VS 2000s comedy Comedy in 1980sComedy in 2000s Can Reflect the society at that time than 2000’s Concern on how to make people laugh, not to reflect the real society Are mostly reasonableMore creative There are not much computer effects Beautiful computer effects
Survey We have done a survey to people of years old and 20 or above.
The questions we asked 1. How old are you? A) 10-20B) 20 or above 2. Which of the following comedy do you like most in 1980’s? A) 賭神 B) 八兩金 C) 富貴開心鬼 D) 打 工皇帝 E) 其他 3. Which of the following comedies actor do you like most? A) 許氐三兄弟 B) 八兩金 C) 周星馳 D) 周潤發 E) 其他
4. Which of the following comedy do you like most in 2000’s? A) 功夫 B) 少林足球 C) 龍咁威系列 D) 其他 5. Which of the following comedies actor in 2000’s you like the most? A) 周星馳 B) 曾志偉 C) 鄭中基 D) 其他 6. Which period of comedy do you like the most? A)1980’sB)2000’s
We found out that…(in 1980’s)
We found out that…(in 2000’s)
Which period’s comedy do you like the most?
Conclusion Different people in different ages have different liking of films. 1890’s films can Reflect the society at that time better than 2000’s There are not much computer effects in 1980’s. Actors nowadays focus much more of bringing people happiness. Conclusion Different people in different ages have different liking of films. 1890’s films can Reflect the society at that time better than 2000’sThere are not much computer effects in 1980’s. Actors nowadays focus much more of bringing people happiness.
Group Reflection It has already come to the end of this project, we all think that we did pay effort in it but we did not try our very best to finish it. The main point is that we did not have enough time to do the work since there were some other academic projects in our waiting lists. Anyways, we have really learnt a lot during this period. We have learnt the ways to find helpful information, such as going to the library, using newspapers, books and the Internet. We have spare out some time to meet in the library and discuss the issues together. We had not pay close attention to the changes in the filming industry. All we did were just going in and out of the movie theatre but after doing this project, we know more about the differences between different comedies in the two different decades. We have improved our communication skills and built up our friendships between each other. We have benefits a lot in this cross-subject project.