The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Report : Radar Data Exchange Tom Keenan CAWCR DIR 4 th DAOS WG Exeter June,
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Radar Data Exchange Role of WWRP and linking with the Operational community WMO Framework for Coordination
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology WWRP Players THORPEX Accelerate improvements in the accuracy of 1-day to 2-week high-impact weather forecasts Working Group on Nowcasting Research (WGNR) to promote detection and forecasting weather over the 0 to 6 hour time frame, to advance nowcasting science. Includes physically based nowcast prediction through high resolution model development and data assimilation. Working Group on Mesoscale Weather Forecasting Research (WGMWFR) Weather forecasting research on the meso-gamma scale (~500m – 3km), covering time scales from 0 - ~48h, and to strengthen international cooperation, knowledge transfer and capacity building Mesoscale data assimilation: investigations on the strengths and limitations of different data A major challenge for WGNR and WGMWFR is mesoscale DA in the provision of analyses and 0-3h forecasts of adequate accuracy for nowcasting purposes. Together with the WGNR, the WGMWFR aims to organize a workshop dedicated to this issue, aiming to make an inventory of the prospects of mesoscale DA for nowcasting-NCAR, `.
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Perspective WGMFR (Jeanette Onvlee) Limited added value shown for assimilation of radar precipitation data in mesoscale NWP, More promise (bigger impact and definitely longer lead times, up to +24h sometimes and +12h on average) with the assimilation of full-volume reflectivity and radial wind data, ( MeteoFrance) Full volume radar precipitation and wind data are not yet exchanged (nor homogeneously quality controlled) through OPERA; 2013 onwards. Several bi- and multi-lateral radar data initiatives are already starting up outside of OPERA: Czech republic, Poland and Slovakia, the Baltrad cooperation etc. HIRLAM consortium is trying to arrange exchange of radar data over a significant part of North-Western Europe for a comprehensive assimilation impact study in Able to ingest each others and French radar data, but we would like to add UK and German data as well. WG-MWFR, hampered by the lack of radar exchange and have raised this issue as a problem to be tackled at high priority wherever we could e.g., the first IOP of HYMEX.
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Research Perspective WGNR (Paul Joe) RADAR QUALITY CONTROL AND QUANTITATIVE PRECIPITATION INTERCOMPARISONS (CIMO/WWRP) Exeter, 14 – 15 April 2011 Inter-compare radar quality control algorithms for QPE and NWP applications Identify best Practices and recommendations for operation for WMO Members Quantify the quality of QPE radar products globally WGNR / WGMWFR Nowcasting modelling workshop in Oct in Boulder....
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology WWRP JSC4 Considerations Recommended that the DAOS Working Group maintains active links with the Nowcasting and Mesoscale Research Working Groups on cross-cutting issues such as radar data assimilation, Welcomed the efforts to develop common formats, which includes quality information, for the exchange of radar data and noted that this action benefits mesoscale data assimilation Action (4):Requested the Chair of the Nowcasting Research Working Group in collaboration with the co-Chairs of the DAOS Working Group to keep the JSC informed on the development of common formats for the exchange of radar data. Action (31):JSC requested that Nowcasting Research Working Group in collaboration with the Chair of the Mesoscale Working Group accept the responsibility of covering the issues of observation, data quality and measurement research particularly at the mesoscale and nowcasting scales..
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology WWRP JSC4 Considerations Mesoscale and nowcasting scales NOT a Thorpex DAOS responsibility The operational implementation issues of radar data exchange clearly belong to CBS - CIMO ET considered the issue of a common format for raw radar data exchange – To date, the proposal has been hampered by an accepted definition of "raw" data. The NWG RQQI project indicated that there were many definitions of raw data (before or after clutter clean up, removing of biological targets, etc) and who's responsibility it was to deliver what and with what quality descriptors. Clearly, WWRP expects progress
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Progress since Montreal Consultation within WMO to assess Policy and Strategic Plans Drivers -Linking with Operational Community
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Understanding the Landscape: WMO Operations Global Observing System (GOS) Vision 2025 EGOS Implementation Plan (2009) to be updated 2011 Rolling Review of Requirements (RRR) Defining User Requirements (UR) and Observing System Capabilities (OSC) to the Expert team on Global Observing System (ET-GOS) Chair is Dr. Eyre (MetOffice), Secretariat E. Charpentier CIMO ET on Operational Remote Sensing (ET-ORS) Address current capability of global/regional networks to provide information Chair Mr Li Bai (CMA), Secretariat Dr I. Ruedi CBS ET on Surface-Based Remotely Sensed Observations (ET- SBRSO) Propose details of implementation (observing requirements) and information to CBS Chair Dr S. Goldstraw (MetOffice), Secretariat Miroslav Ondras
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology WMO Operational Considerations CBS ET on Data Representation and Codes (IPET-DRC) Chair Dr S. Elliot (EUMETSAT), Secretariat Mr A. Shimazaki ET-CTS WIS-GTS Communication Techniques and Structure H. Ichijo (Japan)
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology June ET GOS Meeting-Draft recommendation radar data exchange A need for global exchange of radar data was recognized by both operational meteorological and research communities. Generic user requirements for Global NWP and for research have been stated Technical details, i.e., on the level of raw data to be globally exchanged. Main NWP Centres and research community should be invited to provide them.. CBS through EC should interact with Members to provide required data for global exchange. Due to national legislation, some countries are not in a position to exchange radar data globally. In Europe, EUMETNET has agreed on a data policy allowing for exchange of radar products between the EUMETNET Members. Members may use the product for official duty, but not deliver them free of charge to third party.
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Way Forward Daniel Michelson (SMHI/BALTRAD)is a member of the ET now. He was with OPERA and proposed the radar data exchange data model (HDF5 or BUFR - legacy). Daniel is also a member of the International Organizing Committee of RQQI. Coordination across Multiple Teams required for implementation GOS want PoC to be global and high resolution NWP community GOS Processes in place Tiger Team THORPEX or WWRP Role? DAOS, WGNR, WGMFR membership?
Thank you The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Tom Keenan CAWCR DIR Phone: Web: Thank you
The Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology Global Extent ASSESS THE CURRENT AND POTENTIAL CAPABILITIES OF WEATHER RADARS FOR THE USE IN WMO INTEGRATED GLOBAL OBSERVERING SYSTEM (WIGOS ) by Ercan Büyükbaş, Turkish State Meteorological Service (TSMS)