Welcome to Our Class
Welcome to First Grade! Hold on…I have lots of information to give you in a short amount of time Please let me know if you have any questions!
All About Mrs. Stingle My background I grew up in Washington Twp. I attended West Chester University. I am currently getting my Masters in Reading at Wilmington University. I live in Delanco, NJ with my husband and our dog Sierra. My experience This is my fourteenth year teaching in this district (thirteen years in first grade). I taught kindergarten for one year before moving to first grade. I LOVE teaching first grade!
This year your child will… show amazing growth. be in a supportive and fun learning environment. make new friends and discover new interests.
Class Subjects The subjects we cover during first grade are: Reading (Whole Group and Guided Reading) Writers Workshop Working with Words (Spelling and Phonics) Math (Whole Group and Math Workshop) Science Social Studies
Whole Group/Guided Reading Whole group instruction is a time when I work with the whole class on a skill or topic. I will be using the Reading Wonders program during this time. Guided reading is a time when I work with small groups. Students read appropriate leveled readers that reinforce a skill or topic.
The Daily 5 What is Daily 5 Literacy? It’s a 5 component literacy framework to help develop literacy skills. 1.Read to Self- Individual “Good Fit” bags 2.Read to Someone- Individual “Good Fit” bags 3.Listen to Reading- Interactive stories on-line or books on CD 4.Work on Writing- Individual Writing Folders 5.Word Work/Spelling- Individual Word books Benefits: Keep students focused on literacy while the teacher is working with small groups. Gives students the chance to be independent in their choices and have some ownership over their learning.
Sonday Enables me to use multisensory, structured phonics quickly and successfully for every level of instruction. The Sonday program is inclusive of the 5 elements needed to develop successful readers: phonological awareness, phonics instruction, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. I have found it to be very successful in both remediation of difficulties in reading as well as challenging gifted readers. Learners progress at their own pace and move onto the next level after successfully completing the Mastery Check of reading and spelling the words.
Spelling/Working with Words Each student will be introduced to their own 5 sight words each week. Students will work with their words all week. Students will be expected to read (sometimes spell) words before getting new words. I will also introduce 5 word wall words every week that will be added to our class word wall for students to use as a resource. Students will learn how to review, sort, classify and analyze words. This helps students learn how to spell words not just for assessments but for life. Students will manipulate letters to form words, clap and chant words, find smaller words using a Big Word, etc,.
Writer’s Workshop I will use Being a Writer for writing mini-lessons. Examples of Mini-Lessons: Choosing a Topic What to Do if You Can’t Spell a Word Punctuation and Grammar Adding On to a Piece Revising Editing Students will learn how to write: about their own experiences and interests (narratives). informational pieces (all about books, how to, etc). opinion pieces (Example: Writing about why purple is your favorite color).
Handwriting Students will focus on correct letter formation, configuration of each letter, spacing, proper use of upper and lower case letters, learning to write on lines, etc. Four Squares Four Square Graphic Organizers are often used for seasonal writing, science, and social studies topics. They are a great way to help students organize their writing into paragraph form. Writer’s Workshop continued
Math I will use My Math for the Whole Group Lesson of the Day Operations & Algebraic Thinking Geometry Number and Operations in Base Ten Measurement and Data During whole group, students will use a hands-on approach to explore their knowledge of the lesson. Students will extend their knowledge of learned skills during Daily 5 Math.
Daily 5 Math Benefits: Keep students focused on math while the teacher is working with small groups. Gives students the chance to be independent in their choices and have some ownership over their learning. What is Daily 5 Math? It’s a 5 component math framework to help develop math skills. 1.Math By Myself- Differentiated math folders 2.Math with a Friend- Math games that reinforce learned skills 3.Math with Technology- Interactive smart board and computer activities 4.Math with Boards- Skills practiced using wipe off boards, hundred charts, etc 5.Math with Teacher- Remediate, reinforce, and extend learning
Science/Social Studies Harcourt Supplemental Series Social Studies Units Rules and Laws Where People Live Meeting People The Marketplace We Love Our Country Science Units Plants and Animals All Around Living Together About Our Earth Weather, Seasons, and the Sky
Classroom Community Our classroom is a community. In our community, we have rules to help us get along with each other. Our class rules are: Respect yourself, others, and our classroom Safe hands and feet Be a good listener Work as a team Always try your best
Homework Each student is expected to read for 10 minutes every night. Additional homework may be sent home (see weekly newsletter starting September 29 th ). Additional activities can be found on the 1 st Grade Homework Website. See Handout
Goals To give your child the academic and social skills needed to progress to second grade. To foster independent work habits. To provide a supportive and fun classroom environment. To help your child make new friends, discover new interests, and develop their excitement for learning.
Just a Note… Never feel that any question is too small. I am here to help and answer any question or help with concerns you may have. I maintain a very supportive and encouraging classroom. I want your child to feel free to take risks, to learn from their mistakes, and to be excited about learning. If your child isn’t feeling that way, please let me know. I want to work with you to make this a great year for your child!
Let’s Have a Great Year!