JTLS User Conference R&A / CAE - GlobalSim David Nadeau Head of UK Operations & Global Land Strategy CAE Defence & Security
Customers in 190+ countries CAE Global Reach 30+ countries 100+ sites 45 training locations Customers in 190+ countries
CAE – Experience in Land Command Control & Communications GESI, GlobalSim Indirect Fire – Third Generation. Over 30 years experience and 250 Fire Control Training Systems sold throughout the world Examples: USMC, UK, Australia, New Zealand, NL, South Korea, Thailand Direct Fire – Precision Gunnery & Air Defence training devices Examples: Leopard 2, Warrior, Challenger 2, M57, M60A3, ADATS, Starstreak, Rapier, Sky Guard Virtual Maintenance Training Systems Providing US Army maintainer and operator training on M1A2, M2/3 Bradley and MLRS/HIMARS Driver Trainers - Static or containerised with full motion platform Leopard 2, Warrior Observation Post Vehicle, Arjun MBT Recognition Trainers – PC based desktop trainer with over 320 air and ground target models UK 400 PCs, Canada 100 and other customers worldwide GESI
GlobalSim Bringing together two industry leading constructive simulation products in R&A JTLS and CAE GESI Operational/theater/tactical level joint simulation covering air, land, maritime and special forces Fully addresses primary and secondary training audiences at every level from a Joint Force Command down to a single Special Forces team and across the spectrum of operations from disaster assistance to asymmetric/hybrid conflict to wide-scale conventional combat
GESI provides inserts at higher resolution GESI in GlobalSim Joint Theatre Level Simulation (JTLS) - Aggregate level simulation Covers theater area of operations Requires time/distance coordination at theater level GESI - Entity level simulation Multiple areas of interest Geographically separate http://www.isaf.nato.int/maps/map3.jpg
GESI in GlobalSim GESI allows inserts at higher resolution levels Main contributions Fully entity based simulation Emission/channel/sensor mechanism for detection Effects are event-driven, using hit/kill probabilities including Effects depend on weapon – ammunition combinations Effects depend on protection of target Detailed logistic model Detailed medical model
JTLS Air Mission Pickup of an HRU1 GlobalSim supports Transfer of Ownership JTLS Air Mission Pickup of an HRU1 This vignette demonstrates the ownership control characteristics of the federation and the cross-model reflection of entities as the move around the game board. JTLS launches air mission from ship (GESI reflects) JTLS picks up HRU from ground (GESI reflects) Control of air mission and HRU passed from JTLS to GESI GESI flies air mission with HRU to new location (JTLS reflects) Control of air mission and HRU passed from GESI to JTLS JTLS Air mission returns to home base on ship, HRU on board ship 1 High Resolution Unit
JTLS Naval Fire at a Ground Unit in GESI GlobalSim supports cross model combat JTLS Naval Fire at a Ground Unit in GESI This vignette demonstrates the capability to hold cross-model combat. The damage from this combat is adjudicated in one model and reflected in the other model. Control of a ground unit is passed from JTLS to GESI JTLS surface ship fires artillery on the GESI ground unit GESI assesses damage on it's unit, JTLS reflects damage as unit strength reduction and KIA1 status of entities JTLS submarine fires missiles on the GESI ground unit GESI assesses damage on it's unit, JTLS reflects damage Control of damaged ground unit passed from GESI to JTLS 1 Killed in action
GESI Conducts Force-on-Force Combat, JTLS Adds Air-to-Ground Attack GlobalSim supports Cross model combat GESI Conducts Force-on-Force Combat, JTLS Adds Air-to-Ground Attack This vignette demonstrates how this federation can support combat which is within a single model or through cross-model interaction. Battle damage is accurately assessed and reflected by both simulations. Control of two ground units passed from JTLS to GESI, one opposition (red) unit and one coalition (blue) unit GESI begins ground fight between the two units JTLS reflects damage of the units as combat ensues JTLS launches coalition (Blue) Air to Ground (A-G) Mission against GESI (Red) ground unit GESI assesses damage from the A-G weapon fire JTLS reflects additional damage in GESI as a result of A-G mission A-G mission returns to home base on ship Control of both ground units passed from GEST to JTLS
GESI history GESI pip GESI smartt GESI MPS GESI (PV SIRA) (2011 – 2016) GESI smartt (SIRA-OOTW) (2006 -2011) GESI MPS (SIRA PSO) (2000 – 2005) GESI (SIRA1-Btl/-Brig) (1994 – 1999) 1 SIRA …= German Army‘s name of the system/program based on/powered by the simulation software GESI
GESI – Constructive Simulation Company Battalion Brigade One Core Simulation - Three fields of application Defence Security Command & Staff training (CAST) The already trained commander & his staff are trained. The whole (military) world outside their command post is simulated. Commanders & staff are using their operative equipment (radio, C2 systems) Their decisions drive the simulation and vice versa. Classroom Simulation is used to train an emergency manager and his staff. Similar to CAST the incident is simulated in a way that the relevant stakeholders are presented with the same tasks and decision points as during a real emergency situation. Simulation is used to teach the principles of tactics. The spectrum covered ranges from visualizing complex situations , via entering own plans up to single/group simulations to check the outcome of a plan. Used in 3 countries, providing over 100 exercise per year! Used over 25 sites Run over 200 exercises per year! Used in 12 classrooms in 4 countries!
Benefits of Command & Staff Training with GESI Highly realistic training for a fraction of the live training costs Military training from company up to division with one single system Training combined arms combat, OOTW and disaster & emergency management, with one single system Train wherever, whenever and under which conditions you want (terrain, day/night, weather) Maximum use of training time Debriefing capabilities generate training effects not possible before Continuous development guarantees adaptation to changing requirements
Kuwait – Joint/Coalition Training Center
Kuwait Joint Multinational Simulation Center Aspires Solution Higher Control Coalition Training ( National Strategic Command ) General HQ Requires Training Audience ( Kuwait and Coalition CJTF HQ ) Joint Training Mubarak Al Abdullah Joint Command and Staff College ( MAJCSC ) Kuwait Army HQ Kuwait Air Force HQ Kuwait Navy HQ Remote Sites Simulation Cell Simulation Cell Simulation Cell Regiment Training Lower Control Land ( , Air and Maritime Component Commands )
Technical Solution: Overview and Workflow GlobalSim OTH Gold, Link 16, … JTLS R&A Export C2IS Individual or as GlobalSim TerraVista GESI VBS3 HLA PITCH Gateways HQ sites, GCC, … External / Service Provider EXONAUT GCC: Gulf Cooperation Council
Constructive Offering Virtual Combat Simulation Combat Simulation System Training Centre War Training Center Individual Crew/Platoon Company Part Task Trainer Drive/Flight Simulator Gunnery Simulator Brigade Coalition HQ Operational alignment is key (ex. C2) GESI Supporting the Spectrum from Platoon to Coalition
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