Numeracy Workshop Year One and Year Two April 2015
St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School Written Calculation Policy (Updated with the 2014 National Curriculum) This workshop is based on our school calculation policy with has been written in line with the new National Curriculum for Mathematics. It provides guidance on progression and is set out in yearly blocks for the four operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Use of Resources As a school we will: Use suitable resources, models and images to support children’s understanding of calculation and place value. Each year group will use the following practical resources, as appropriate: Reception: Numicon, other equipment to support counting (i.e toys, beads, cubes etc) Year 1: Numicon, bead strings, straws, base 10 rods, money, other equipment to support counting (i.e toys, beads, cubes etc) Year 2: Numicon, straws, base 10 rods, cuisenaire rods, money KS2: Numicon, base 10 rods, cuisenaire rods, chips, money
Partitioning 2 digit numbers Number bonds 10 and 20
Addition - Year Two Add numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including: A two digit number and ones A two digit number and tens Two two-digit numbers Three one-digit numbers NB Ensure that children are confident with the methods outlined in the previous year’s guidance before moving on.
YOUR TURN! Use a 100 square to add groups of 10 eg , , Partition a number into tens and units eg 76= Try 37, 92. Draw a blank number line and work out Work out using partitioning. Can you use the diennes to support your learning? Can you write it out, showing your workings?
Now it’s your go…. Count back using a hundred square or with a blank number line in 1s, in 10s Eg 45 – Count back using a hundred square (using partitioning). Try it with a blank number line. Eg 85 –
Have a go! Show an array for 6 x 3 Use repeated adding on a blank number line to work out 4 x 5 ( ) Use the counting stick
One last turn… Put 15 counters into groups of divided by 5 = Draw an array to work out 12 divided by 4 = ( draw 4 dots in each row until you get to 12 dots in total. How many rows of 4 make 12?)
Finally… Children need to know The maths vocabulary associated with the four different operations eg add/plus/total/altogether/more than for addition. The symbol for each operation Recognise when to use and apply eg when solving word problems. Recognising the maths in our everyday lives, playing games and talking ‘maths’ is really important. There are also lots of games online that your child can play to support their learning.
Any Questions? Thank you for coming. Please remember if you have any questions about your child’s learning, do come in and talk to the class teacher.