Direct Ophthalmoscope
Schematic of the Eye
Posterior Pole of fundus
Diagram of Fundus Layers
Fundus and Disc
Optic Disc Edema
Optic Nerve Drusen
Optic Nerve Drusen
Pigment Crescent around Disc Margin
Myelinated nerve fibers
Optic Nerve Coloboma
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia
Normal Variations of Disc
Large Cup –C/D ratio PEX, GLC
Glaucoma-nerve appearance GLC
Glaucoma Advanced Glaucoma Glaucoma
Optic nerve pallor, papillitis ON pallor, pituitary adenoma Papillitis vs. Foster Kennedy
Artery/Vein ratio (2/3 is normal) normal AV
Arteriosclerotic vessel changes Chol. Plaque, Hollenhorst light reflex
Light reflex, A/V crossing Increased light reflex 1/11/02 HTN, gLC suspect 1/11/02
Hypertension Hypertension
CRAO and BRAO CRAO with cherry red spot BRAO
Hollenhorst Plaque and Late CRAO with optic atrophy Hollenhorst with ischemia Late CRAO with optic atrophy
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
BRVO before and s/p laser
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion-CRVO
Hollenhorst plaque, Central Retinal Artery occlusion
Macular Drusen
Atrophic macular degeneration
Exudative macular changes
Subretinal macular heme
ARMD with Macular Scar Disciform scar, scleral crescent ARMD, Scleral crescent
Diabetic retinopathy
Background Diabetic Retinopathy BDR Cotton Wool spot
PDR before and after PRP PDR prior to PRP after PRP
Pre-retinal hemes Preretinal heme in BDR
Choroidal nevus
Choroidal Nevus Red free, and no filter
Direct Ophthalmoscope-Patient side and observer side
Adjust light (left) and power (right)
Position for starting procedure
Examiner right eye, hand, right patient eye