Presentation System for use in Computer Based Learning LINDSEY ANN GOUWS Project for BA (Hons) Supervised by Dr. Karen Bradshaw 8 March 2011
Overview 1.Motivation / Problem Description Why am I doing this project? 2.System Overview What should this project do? 3.Capabilities What special features will it have? 4. Implementation How will I implement this project? 5.Looking Forward 1 6 of
Motivation / Problem Description 2 6 of Personal Motivation - I come from a Humanities background; entrenched sense of social responsibility South Africa presents a specific set of needs for computer based learning Current presentation systems either too generic or too specific
System Overview 3 6 of PRE-QUIZPOST-QUIZPRESENTATIONFEEDBACK Creation of a presentation system to educate people about important issues Could be deployed in public places, such as public libraries
Capabilities 4 6 of Basic Capabilities The ability to jump backwards and forwards between slides depending on the input of user Added features, specifically the ability to administer quizzes, including collect stats of correct answers, etc. The ability to store data, to be further analysed at a later stage Possible Extras User profiles Produce statistics for a group of users Analysis of statistics Internet connectivity to share results and resources Cellphone use?
Implementation 5 6 of Language: Java Authoring software Use Dreamweaver for now - (Bespoke authoring system could be created at a later stage as part 2 of the project) Model Stand-alone system with added capabilities if internet connection is available Development First prize = build on existing open source presentation software If not, implement project from scratch with fewer features
Looking forward… 6 6 of Look for an existing presentation system to build on Background reading Learn XML and Dreamweaver Implement the project Testing Final thesis Potential problems? If I can’t find existing system, project will be more limited How useful is it without the authoring side? Will people like using it?