Chapter 7 Lesson 1 Incarnation
Review What are some of the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah that helps us to recognize Jesus? Who were the prophets who communicated them to us? They did not say that the Messiah would be Jesus of Nazareth, born of Mary who was married to Joseph.
Analogy “On a dark, foggy night, as you are walking, you detect someone moving. As he gets closer, you can see what he looks like.” “On a dark, foggy night, as you are walking, you detect someone moving. As he gets closer, you can see what he looks like.” How is this experience like the prophecies of Christ?
Turn to page 47 in your textbook. Read the introduction. Why does man need a Savior? We all believe that God became man, but why? God promised Adam and Eve that he would send a redeemer, someone who would make up for the effects of sin and the consequent separation between God and man. We needed a God-man: God, not man had to make up for our sin. God had to become man so that man could be reunited with God. With original sin an infinite offense had been committed-only infinite reparation could redeem it. Sin is an offense against God, whose dignity is infinite. How much must be paid back to God for sin? Could any man pay back an infinite amount owed to God? Only a God-man (with infinite dignity) could pat this back. Only God could pay the price for man’s sin.
Read section “The Incarnation of our Lord.”
Annunciation This is when the angel Gabriel announced God’s plan to Mary and asked her to be the mother of his Son. Mary asked how this could be done because she was a virgin, and the angel told her it would be through the power of God. When she heard that she accepted God’s will.
Incarnation This means that God became man. It took place the moment Mary consented to be the mother of God’s son.
Nativity The Nativity is the birth of Jesus.