Welcome To Gateway Kingdom Design Two The Creation of Man.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome To Gateway Kingdom Design Two The Creation of Man

In this session we discover: 1.The Significance of belief in God 2.The Importance of what we believe 3.The Foundation for what we believe (The Bible) 4.The Creation of Man The Creation of Man

God is: Eternal A Spirit Being Holy Righteous Love Faithful Father, Son and Holy Spirit Omnipotent Omnipresent Omniscient Self-Existent Immutable

Doctrine ________, ________ and _________ determines our _________, _________ and _______. BelievedReceivedPractised Character Behaviour Destiny The Importance of Belief in God - Kevin J Conner, The Foundations of Christian Doctrine

Results of Belief in or Denial of God Belief in GodNo Belief in God Seek to please ____. Life is all about getting what I want regardless of how that affects others. Seek to please ____ and serve ______. Honesty, enduring through difficult circumstances. I will be held accountable for my actions, therefore I seek to do what is _____ and pure. There is no higher being holding me accountable for my actions. Therefore I can live as __ please. God others right self I

Belief in GodNo belief in God A life on earth that is fruitful and significant. Eternal life. Rule and reign with Christ. Unfulfilled potential. Eternal separation from God – Hell. Results of Belief in or Denial of God

YESNO Where did we come from? What's wrong with the world? Does God Exist? CREATION Created by God. ________ by chance. FALL of Man. ___ is the root of all evil in the world, and all disobedience to God’s ways. Society’s ills are an external problem. Humans are naturally good and have been corrupted by society. Sin Evolved

YESNO How do we fix it? How do we live as a result? Does God Exist? REDEMPTION Through Jesus Christ. Create an ______ - a world of equality and tolerance. RESTORATION Called to _______ things to God’s original plan. Live for _______, for your own happiness, live for the day. restore yourself Utopia

A Question of Truth Does God Exist? The question of belief in the existence of God is not just a question of personal philosophy, but a question of truth.

PSALMS 12:6 And the words of the LORD are _______, like silver refined in a furnace of clay, ______ seven times. 1 PETER 1:24-25 All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of the Lord ______ forever. The Source of our Truth flawless purified stands  

Written by ___ different men over _____ years. The copiers and translators ________________. In ____ the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered. The earliest remaining copies of the OT were from ____AD. More than _______________ of the NT exist today. Facts of the Bible manuscripts counted every letter

The Word of God An Overview of its Layout

Man’s ideas and philosophies are an unreliable, dangerous and unstable foundation to build our life upon. It is important that we know what the ____ says so that we are not led astray by false teaching. Luke 6:47 explains that we need to _____ God’s words and then ____ on them. A Strong Foundation Bible hear act

The Word of God is like: A Filter A Map A Compass

When God created the earth, He created His earthly ________. Man was placed under God’s _______ and was _______ as he kept the rules of the Kingdom. Kingdom rulership blessed The Account of the Creation of Man

God’s Original Design for Man God’s Children Not limited by sin Complete and whole Likeness of God Happiness, joy, peace Intimacy with God Eternity with God Dominion on earth Fulfillment Influence Multiplication

Restored to the Kingdom Sin Redemption Restoration Creation Fall Church Gods Kingdom Kingdom of Darkness

Conclusion Creation Fall Redemption Restoration Belief in the existence of God is crucial because it defines our answers to the questions of:

Why Conclusion God created us to live in His Kingdom, operating in His intended Design Plan: Our belief in God is based on the Bible. Relationship. Identity Purpose