TM School Library Media Month April 2011 Library Media Services Miami-Dade County Public Schools Ancient Libraries: 1450 CE – 2009 CE
Source: Gale & Grolier Multimedia The printing press was developed by Johannes Gutenberg. Each letter was made on the end of a separate bar. Printers assembled the individual letters to form a page in a book. The Renaissance ca CE
The first book that Johannes Gutenberg printed was the Bible. Before the printing press, it took a person working alone seven years to copy the complete Bible The printing press reduced the cost of printing books so that ordinary people, not just the wealthiest, could afford books. The Renaissance ca CE Source: Gale & World Book Reference Center Online
Source: Destiny To find out about the amazing invention of the printing press, go to Destiny. Type in the subject: Printing - History or Gutenberg. Click the Subject icon to find out how many books about the printing press are available in your school or other schools. Project Gutenberg - The Renaissance ca CE
University libraries in different countries began to open. Bodleian Library – Oxford University, England Library opened Nov. 8, 1602 CE Libraries 1500s – 1600s CE
Source: Grolier Multimedia University libraries in different countries began to open. Harvard University– Massachusetts Library opened 1638 CE Libraries 1500s – 1600s CE
Source: World Book Benjamin Franklin established the Library Company of Philadelphia, a subscription library. Libraries 1700s CE
Source: The Library of Congress, now one of the world’s largest libraries, was founded by an Act of Congress in Washington, D. C. Libraries 1800 CE
Source: Abigail Fillmore, wife of President Millard Fillmore ( ), established a library, still present today, in an upstairs bedroom of The White House. Libraries – The White House 1851 CE
Source: SIRS Knowledge Source Andrew Carnegie made a fortune in the steel industry. Mr. Carnegie retired in 1901 and spent the remainder of his life giving away his money to worthy causes. He and his corporation built more than 2,500 libraries and gave away more than $350,000,000. Libraries – Andrew Carnegie 1881 – 1919 CE
The greatest period of growth for school libraries …AND… the Information Age began. Libraries – Andrew Carnegie ca. 1960s CE
School Libraries Information Age
Libraries Around the World 2010 CE
Libraries Around the World 2010 CE Even in times of war, libraries continue to survive. Alia Muhammad Baker believed that “books are more precious than mountains of gold.” She and friends removed more than 30,000 books from the Basra Library and stored them in their home to prevent their destruction in the event that a bomb hit the library facility.
Source: Libraries Around the World 2010 CE
Our journey continued… Source: Facts on File
Germany Source: Facts on File
Germany Why was the printing press, invented by Johannes Gutenberg, so revolutionary to the printing of books? Source: World Book
From Germany, we travelled to… Source: Facts on File
United Kingdom (England) Source: Facts on File
United Kingdom (England) The Bodleian Library opened in 1602 at what English university? Source: World Book
From England we travelled to… Source: Facts on File
United States (Massachusetts) Source: Facts on File
United States (Massachusetts) What university library opened in 1638 and is considered the oldest library in America? Source: World Book
Our journey is finished! Together we travelled to 10 countries! Source: Facts on File China Iraq Egypt Greece Turkey France Italy Germany England United States
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